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carlospolop authored and gitbook-bot committed Mar 21, 2022
1 parent a7086a6 commit 5346a4c
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Binary file modified .gitbook/assets/image (465) (2).png
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Binary file modified .gitbook/assets/image (465).png
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions pentesting-web/
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Expand Up @@ -194,6 +194,17 @@ Online Example:[ ](,output)[https://jsbin.
{% endcontent-ref %}

### missing **base-uri**

If the **base-uri** directive is missing you can abuse it to perform a [**dangling markup injection**](

Moreover, if the **page is loading a script using a relative path** (like `/js/app.js`) using a **Nonce**, you can abuse the **base** **tag** to make it **load** the script from **your own server achieving a XSS.**\
****If the vulnerable page is loaded with **httpS**, make use a httpS url in the base.

<base href="">

### AngularJS events

Depending on the specific policy, the CSP will block JavaScript events. However, AngularJS defines its own events that can be used instead. When inside an event, AngularJS defines a special `$event` object, which simply references the browser event object. You can use this object to perform a CSP bypass. On Chrome, there is a special property on the `$event/event` object called `path`. This property contains an array of objects that causes the event to be executed. The last property is always the `window` object, which we can use to perform a sandbox escape. By passing this array to the `orderBy` filter, we can enumerate the array and use the last element (the `window` object) to execute a global function, such as `alert()`. The following code demonstrates this:
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion pentesting-web/xss-cross-site-scripting/
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Expand Up @@ -202,8 +202,9 @@ If you just think that **it's impossible to create an HTML tag with an attribute
If you are in **inside a HTML tag**, the first thing you could try is to **escape** from the tag and use some of the techniques mentioned in the [previous section](./#injecting-inside-raw-html) to execute JS code.\
If you **cannot escape from the tag**, you could create new attributes inside the tag to try to execute JS code, for example using some payload like (_note that in this example double quotes are use to escape from the attribute, you won't need them if your input is reflected directly inside the tag_):
" autofocus onfocus=alert(document.domain) x="
" onfocus=alert(1) id=x tabindex=0 style=display:block>#x #Access t
#### Style events
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29 changes: 16 additions & 13 deletions pentesting/pentesting-web/php-tricks-esp/
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Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ var_dump(in_array(0, $values, true));

### **strcmp()/**strcasecmp()
### strcmp()/strcasecmp()

If this function is used for **any authentication check** (like checking the password) and the user controls one side of the comparison, he can send an empty array instead of a string as the value of the password (`[]=`) and bypass this check:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,17 +133,13 @@ $obfs += ""; //int 7

## More tricks

**register\_globals**: En PHP < 4.1.1 o si se ha configurado mal puede ser que las register\_globals estén activas (o se esté imitando su comportamiento). Esto implica que en variables globales como $\_GET si estas poseen un valor por ejemplo $\_GET\["param"]="1234", puedes acceder a este mediante $param. Por lo tanto, enviando parámetros de Get o Post se pueden sobreescribir variables que se usan dentro del código.
* **register\_globals**: In **PHP <** or if misconfigured, **register\_globals** may be active (or their behavior is being mimicked). This implies that in global variables like $\_GET if they have a value e.g. $\_GET\["param"]="1234", you can access it via **$param. Therefore, by sending HTTP parameters you can overwrite variables** that are used within the code.&#x20;
* The **PHPSESSION cookies of the same domain are stored in the same place**, therefore if within a domain **different cookies are used in different paths** you can make that a path **accesses the cookie of the path** setting the value of the other path cookie.\
This way if **both paths access a variable with the same name** you can make the **value of that variable in path1 apply to path2**. And then path2 will take as valid the variables of path1 (by giving the cookie the name that corresponds to it in path2).
* When you have the **usernames** of the users of the machine. Check the address: **/\~\<USERNAME>** to see if the php directories are activated.
* [**LFI and RCE using php wrappers**](../../../pentesting-web/file-inclusion/)

Las **variables de sesión** (asociadas al **PHPSESSION**) de un dominio se guardan en el mismo sitio, por lo tanto si dentro de un dominio se usan distintas cookies en distintos paths se puede hacer que un path acceda a la cookie del otro accediendo a dicho path con la cookie del otro. De esta forma si los dos paths acceden a una variable con el mismo nombre puedes hacer que el valor de dicha variable en el path1 se aplique al path2. Y entonces el path2 tomará como válidas las variables del path1 (al ponerle a la cookie el nombre que le corresponde en el path2).

Dos usuarios generados a la vez pueden tener la misma cookie (si la cookie depende del tiempo).

When you have the **usernames** of teh users of the machine. Check the address: **/\~\<USERNAME>** to see if the php directories are activated.

****[**LFI and RCE using php wrappers**](../../../pentesting-web/file-inclusion/)****

### **password\_hash/**password\_verify
### password\_hash/password\_verify

This functions are typically used in PHP to **generate hashes from passwords** and to to **check** if a password is correct compared with a hash.\
The supported algorithms are: `PASSWORD_DEFAULT` and `PASSWORD_BCRYPT` (starts with `$2y$`). Note that **PASSWORD\_DEFAULT is frequently the same as PASSWORD\_BCRYPT.** And currently, **PASSWORD\_BCRYPT** has a **size limitation in the input of 72bytes**. Therefore, when you try to hash something larger than 72bytes with this algorithm only the first 72B will be used:
Expand All @@ -156,6 +152,13 @@ $cont=72; echo password_verify(str_repeat("a",$cont), password_hash(str_repeat("

### HTTP headers bypass abusing PHP errors

If a **PHP page is printing errors and echoing back some input provided by the user**, the user can make the PHP server print back some **content long enough** so when it tries to **add the headers** into the response the server will throw and error.\
In the following scenario the **attacker made the server throw some big errors**, and as you can see in the screen when php tried to **modify the header information, it couldn't** (so for example the CSP header wasn't sent to the user):

![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (465).png>)

## Code execution

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ Esta función dentro de php permite ejecutar código que está escrito en un str

El caso es que hay que romper la query, ejecutar algo y volver a arreglarla (para ello nos servimos del "and" o "%26%26" o "|" --> el "or", "||" no funcionan pues si la primera es cierta deja de ejecutar y el ";" no funciona pues solo ejecuta la primera parte).

**Other option** is to add to the string the execution of the command: _'.highlight\_file('.passwd').'_
**Other option** is to add to the string the execution of the command: _'.highlight\_file('.passwd').'_

**Other option** (if you have the internal code) is to modify some variable to alter the execution: _$file = "hola"_

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +273,7 @@ echo "$x ${Da}"; //Da Drums

## Xdebug unauthenticated RCE

If you see that **Xdebug** is **enabled** in a `phpconfig()` output you should try to get RCE via [](;
If you see that **Xdebug** is **enabled** in a `phpconfig()` output you should try to get RCE via [](

## Execute PHP without letters

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion todo/hardware-hacking/
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Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ To connect with the bus pirate you can follow the docs:

In this case I'm going to connect to an EPROM: ATMEL901 24C256 PU27:

![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (465) (2).png>)
![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (465) (2) (1).png>)

To talk with bus pirate I used Tera Term connected to the pirate bus COM port with a Setup --> Serial Port --> Speed of 115200.\
In the following communication you can find how to prepare the bus pirate to talk I2C and how to write and read from the memory (Comments appear using "#", don't expect that part in the communication):
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion todo/hardware-hacking/
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ In settings (the second tab button) you can select the **SDR device** or **selec

In the GUI behaviour it's recommended to enable a few things if your PC support it:

![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (465).png>)
![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (465) (2).png>)

{% hint style="info" %}
If you realise that your PC is not capturing things try to disable OpenGL and lowering the sample rate.
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