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carlospolop authored and gitbook-bot committed Mar 15, 2022
1 parent a2a2dec commit 76abf52
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Binary file modified .gitbook/assets/image (307).png
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Binary file modified .gitbook/assets/image (651) (1) (1).png
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Binary file modified .gitbook/assets/image (651) (1).png
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Binary file modified .gitbook/assets/image (651).png
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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions cloud-security/
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Expand Up @@ -143,6 +143,31 @@ Moreover, Concourse supports different credential managers:
Note that if you have some kind of **write access to Concourse** you can create jobs to **exfiltrate those secrets** as Concourse needs to be able to access them.
{% endhint %}

## Architecture

![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (651).png>)

### ATC: web UI & build scheduler

The ATC is the heart of Concourse. It runs the **web UI and API** and is responsible for all pipeline **scheduling**. It **connects to PostgreSQL**, which it uses to store pipeline data (including build logs).

The [checker]('s responsibility is to continously checks for new versions of resources. The [scheduler]( is responsible for scheduling builds for a job and the [build tracker]( is responsible for running any scheduled builds. The [garbage collector]( is the cleanup mechanism for removing any unused or outdated objects, such as containers and volumes.

### TSA: worker registration & forwarding

The TSA is a **custom-built SSH server** that is used solely for securely **registering** [**workers**]( with the [ATC](

The TSA by **default listens on port `2222`**, and is usually colocated with the [ATC]( and sitting behind a load balancer.

The **TSA implements CLI over the SSH connection,** supporting [**these commands**](

### Workers

In order to execute tasks concourse must have some workers. These workers **register themselves** via the [TSA]( and run the services [**Garden**]( and [**Baggageclaim**](

* **Garden**: This is the **Container Manage AP**I, usually run in **port 7777** via **HTTP**.
* **Baggageclaim**: This is the **Volume Management API**, usually run in **port 7788** via **HTTP**.

## Concourse Enumeration

In order to enumerate a concourse environment you first need to **gather valid credentials** or to find an **authenticated token** probably in a `.flyrc` config file.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,3 +231,7 @@ If you have enough privileges (**member role or more**) you will be able to **li
fly -t tutorial intercept --job pipeline-name/job-name

## References

* [](
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Expand Up @@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ More info at: [

An admission controller is a piece of code that **intercepts requests to the Kubernetes API server** before the persistence of the object, but **after the request is authenticated** **and authorized**.

![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (651) (1) (1).png>)
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (651) (1) (1) (1).png>)

If an attacker somehow manages to **inject a Mutationg Adminssion Controller**, he will be able to **modify already authenticated requests**. Being able to potentially privesc, and more usually persist in the cluster.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pentesting-web/
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Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Therefore, if an attacker **injects** a **HEAD** request, like in this images:

Then, **once the blue one is responded to the attacker**, the next victims request is going to be introduced in the queue:

![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (651) (1) (1) (1).png>)
![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (651) (1) (1) (1) (1).png>)

Then, the **victim** will **receive** the **response** from the **HEAD** request, which is **going to contain a Content-Length but no content at all**. Therefore, the proxy **won't send this response** to the victim, but will **wait** for some **content**, which actually is going to be **response to the yellow request** (also injected by the attacker):

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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ To request a PTR record, clients use the name form "\<Service>.\<Domain>". The *

The part of the PTR record to the **left** of the colon is its **name**, and the part on the **right** is the **SRV** **record** to which the PTR record points. The **SRV** record lists the target **host** and **port** where the **service** instance can be reached. For example, the next image shows a "test.\_ipps.\_tcp.local" SRV record in Wireshark in host ubuntu.local and port 8000:

![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (651) (1).png>)
![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (651) (1) (1).png>)

Therefore, the **name of the SRV** record is **like** the **PTR** record **preceded** by the **\<Instance>** name (test in this case). The **TXT** has the **same** **name** as the **SRV** record and contains the information needed when the IP address and port number (contained in the SRV record) for a service aren’t sufficient to identify it.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion todo/hardware-hacking/
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Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ As you can see in the previous command line it said that it found 0 errors. This

To connect with the bus pirate you can follow the docs:

![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (307).png>)
![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (307) (2).png>)

In this case I'm going to connect to an EPROM: ATMEL901 24C256 PU27:

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion todo/hardware-hacking/
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ In Arduino, after connecting the cables (pin 2 to 11 to JTAG pins and Arduino GN
Configure **"No line ending" and 115200baud**.\
Send the command s to start scanning:

![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (651).png>)
![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (651) (1).png>)

If you are contacting a JTAG, you will find one or several **lines starting by FOUND!** indicating the pins of JTAG.

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