Let's reverse-engineer Logic OS and fuck it up for UC12's DEMOHASS competition.
(Initial idea was to do a Teletext cover.)
Directory Rose
contains a copy of Blueberry's Rose engine.
Adjustments in visualizer/Makefile
to have it compile under WSL2:
EXTERNAL := ../../Andres
CC := i686-w64-mingw32-g++
CFLAGS := -Iparser/rose -I$(EXTERNAL)/glfw-3.0.4.bin.WIN32/include -I$(EXTERNAL)/glew-1.10.0/include -I$(EXTERNAL)/portaudio/include -Wno-write-strings -std=c++11
LFLAGS := $(EXTERNAL)/glew-1.10.0/lib/Release/Win32/glew32s.lib -L$(EXTERNAL)/glfw-3.0.4.bin.WIN32/lib-mingw $(EXTERNAL)/portaudio/mingw32/usr/local/lib/libportaudio-2.dll -lglfw3 -lopengl32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++
CC := g++
CFLAGS := -Iparser/rose -Wno-write-strings -std=c++11
LFLAGS := -lglfw -lGLEW -lOpenGL -lportaudio -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -s
After some apt-get install
s, installing VcXsrv
as X server if needed, and disabling audio (not needed anyway), it builds and runs!
apt install make
apt install libglew-dev
apt install g++
apt-get install libglfw3 libglfw3-dev
apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
apt-get install portaudio19-dev
Initially, I also needed to invoke java -jar tools/sablecc.jar -t cxx -d parser rose.sablecc
for some reason for make
(in directory visualizer
) to succeed. YMMV.
horse-os/Rose/visualizer$ DISPLAY=:0 build/rose ../examples/Everyway.rose
It's turtles all the way. Turtle graphics!
Visuals can just be one big script file, like Everywhere.rose. Music playback is the intro's responsibility.
Within the .rose
- Section
: Palette changes and waits ("color plan") - Section
proc main
: Main code - Actual work: Turtle movement, sub-procedures, forks (start sub-precedures with parameters), loops, calculate expressions
When running the visualizer (executable rose
), the current Rose file is monitored and playback restarts on changes.
Also, three binary blobs are generated each time which can later be included into the Amiga executable.
See: original README.txt
We want to rip the original demo's compiled Rose script and mess it up.
- Run Logic OS in emulator
- Save a RAM dump
- Extract color script, constants, byte code
- Turn bytecode into Rose script again
- Cleverly reconstruct labels
- Start modding
Ripping approaches: See page Ripping Log
Ripping successful, demo starts. But something seems off... (left = original)
Never fully figured that one out. After I reverted one of the more recent commits
in Engine.S
, it ran okay-ish, with the occasional crash.
Color script and constants are easy, byte code consists of nasty bytes: Decompile Log
Where are the letters, logos, icons? Proc analysis (boring notes, but a first step)
Enhanced the tooling, refactored the decompile logic (or rather, disassembly), implemented the recompile step:
- Ability to use a single bytecode-like text script
- Handle constant pool and proc references automatically
- Mini-tools to decode/encode char data and icons
Time to put in some immature content for the lulz: Creation Log
The last day before the deadline was spent with messing up the music and syncing. Sadly, I did not have time to re-sync the color script.