MailTemplator (Easy templates for your emails).
MailTemplator is lightweight PHP package that helps you create, edit and customize email templates.
- PHP >= 8
- PHPUnit >= 9 (for testing purpose)
composer require lotfio/mail-templator
composer test-unit
composer test-integration
composer psalm
- Create your custom Mail Template in your preferred folder withing your project.
- Mail template class name should ends with Template (MyCustomTemplate, MySecondTemplate).
namespace MyCustomMilTemplates;
use MailTemplator\Templator;
use MailTemplator\Contracts\TemplateInterface;
final class MyTemplate extends Templator implements TemplateInterface
* render this template method
* @param array|null $variables
* @return string
public function render(?array $variables = null): string
return $this->loadTemplate()->parse($variables);
- You can customize and update the content of these directives with setters and also with protected properties
- Example :
namespace MyCustomMilTemplates;
use MailTemplator\Templator;
use MailTemplator\Contracts\TemplateInterface;
final class MyTemplate extends Templator implements TemplateInterface
// you can use a protected property
protected string $logo = '<img src="">';
// or a protected setter
protected function setLogo(): void
$this->logo = '<img src="">';
// all other directives can be updated the same way
namespace MyCustomMilTemplates;
use MailTemplator\Templator;
use MailTemplator\Contracts\TemplateInterface;
final class MyTemplate extends Templator implements TemplateInterface
// declare your custom directives
protected string $content = 'Hello @USERNAME@ how are u ?';
- Then you can pass the value with the template
setTemplate(new MyTemplate, ['username' => $username])
- By default templator uses Free Responsive HTML Email Template
- You can use your custom static template
final class MyTemplate extends Templator implements TemplateInterface
* render this template method
* @param array|null $variables
* @return string
public function render(?array $variables = null): string
return $this->loadTemplate(
- Send mail with your template
- Email subject will follow Template class name
// your mailer (PHPMailer or swift)
// should implement MailAdapterInterface
$customMailer = new class implements MailTemplator\Contracts\MailAdapterInterface{
public function send(string $to, string $subject, string $message): bool
// your mailer send should be wrapped here
// $subject will be taken from template class name if no custom subject provided
// create an instance of mail class
$mail = new MailTemplator\Mail(
// set your template
new MyCustomMilTemplates\MyTemplate
// send mail with the given template
- A recommended directory structure should look like this
Mail folder
- Templates folder
- Customer Mailer (PHPmailer or SwiftMailer)
Make sure to register your custom mailer to laravel AppServiceProvider
public function register()
// bind custom mailer that implements MailAdapterInterface
$this->app->bind(MailTemplator\Contracts\MailAdapterInterface::class, function($app){
return new CustomMailer;
- Example usage withing a controller method
public function resetPassword(MailTemplator\Mail $mail)
// send mail
new App\Mail\Templates\ResetPasswordTemplate
- Adding database templates support
- Thank you for considering to contribute to MailTemplator. All the contribution guidelines are mentioned here.
- Here you can find the ChangeLog.
- Share MailTemplator and lets get more stars and more contributors.
- If this project helped you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :) : Paypal. 💖
- MailTemplator is an open-source software licensed under the MIT license.