kil is a tool based on nodejs and webpack, it helps improve the develop, test and release on web apps.
update dependencies
kil 2.0 is now ready for webpack 2.x. for old versions, please see branch 1.x. support long-term caching see Caching
npm install -g kil (默认有国外代理情况下)
npm install -g kil --phantomjs_cdnurl= --registry= (推荐从淘宝源安装)
support init, develop, test, mock data and release cmds
kil init // init a project with default
kil init -h // get init help
kil init -m // init mock module, this module will only work on development
kil init -t // init test module, this module won't be built into bundle on release
init the project with kil: kil will init package.json. install npm dependencies and create js, css, img, less, test folders with default index.js and index.html asynchronized
kil dev
kil dev -p 9001 // specify the port of dev server
kil dev -m // dev with mock module
after project init, kil dev helps open the webpack-dev-server. support livereload, less compile, data mock, hot-module-replace, es6 is default support by babel.
kil test // default run karma once and test with mocha framework
kil test -M | --no-mocha // disable mocha
kil test -p // enable phantomjs
kil test -s // run karma as a server, CI unit tests
test is default support by phantomjs and mocha, mocha for unit tests and phantomjs for page automation tests. reports will be export at reports folder at your workspace
kil build
kil build -s // generate source map
kil build -C // build without clean
kil build -m // build with mock data, this option will disable sourcemap
kil build -J // build without jshint
kil release
kil release -s // generate source map
kil release -C // release without clean
minify your js, less to target js and css. package to a zip file for production.
show usage and help information
#Configuration kil accept two kinds of configuration, a key kil in package.json or a separate pack.js. pack.js is prior to package.json
#Global Value when server start with kil dev
var WEBPACK_DEBUG = true;
var process.env = 'development';
var WEBPACK_DEBUG = false;
var process.env = 'production';
- package.json
- deprecated:
"mock": true,is removed from package.jsom after version 1.0.5, please usekil dev -m
instead - add
vue: false
for default
"kil": {
"port": 9000, // port of dev server
"react": true, // enable react support
"vue": false,
"html5Mode": false, // enable html5 history api of dev server
"es7": false, // support es7 async, object-rest-spread, flow-strip-types
"copy": ["img/*"],
"webpack": {
"publicPath": "/", // location of files serve at your server: localhost:8080/
"output": {
"page/*.html": {
"jsname": "page/index2",
"commons": ["common"]
"*.html": {
"commons": ["common"]
"commonTrunk": {
"common": ["jquery", "react", "react-dom"]
"global": {
"React": "react",
"ReactDOM": "react-dom",
"$": "jquery"
"resolve": {
"alias": {
"spm-hammer": "hammerjs"
"devServer": {
"proxy": {
"*": "http://localhost:3001"
- pack.js
* modulePath is the location of kil node_modules
module.exports = (modulePath) => {
var path = require('path');
// var webpack = require(`${modulePath}/webpack`);
// var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require(`${modulePath}/html-webpack-plugin`);
// var WebpackChunkHash = require(`${modulePath}/webpack-chunk-hash`);
/* extract the manifest to a separate JSON file */
// var ChunkManifestPlugin = require(`${modulePath}/chunk-manifest-webpack-plugin`);
/* inject manifest.json to index.html */
// var InlineChunkManifestHtmlWebpackPlugin = require(`${modulePath}/inline-chunk-manifest-html-webpack-plugin`);
return {
// if single entry is used, bundle name will be named as main.js
entry: {
main: "./index",
// common: ['jquery']
// plugins example, default no more
plugins: [
// new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
// $: "jquery",
// jQuery: "jquery"
// }),
// new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
// template: './index.html',
// filename: './index.html',
// chunks: ['main', 'common']
// }),
// new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
// name: "common"
// })
//new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
// template: './index.html',
// filename: './index.html',
// chunks: ['manifest', 'main', 'common']
// }),
// new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
// name: ["common", "manifest"]
// }),
// new webpack.HashedModuleIdsPlugin(),
// new WebpackChunkHash(),
// new ChunkManifestPlugin(),
// new InlineChunkManifestHtmlWebpackPlugin()
module: {
rules: []
externals: [],
devServer: {
// proxy: {
// '*': 'http://localhost:3000'
// }
- index.ejs
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="description" content="warehouse management, taobao">
<meta name="author" content="out2man">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
see node-proxy for more options
devServer: {
proxy: {
'*': {
// more see option
- test case
- webpack
- webpack-dev-server
- babel
- less
- mustache
- autoprefixer
- postcss-loader
- url-loader
- less-loader
- css-loader
- style-loader
- exports-loader
- ejs-loader
- expose-loader
- file-loader
- html-loader
- img-loader
- imports-loader
- mustache-loader
- template-html-loader
- extract-text-webpack-plugin
- html-webpack-plugin
- chunk-manifest-webpack-plugin
- inline-chunk-manifest-html-webpack-plugin