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Releases: lsst-sqre/squareone


19 Feb 22:54
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Minor Changes

  • #179 92ecf5f Thanks @jonathansick! - Add a configurable Apps menu to the header navigation. This menu is for linking for non-aspect applications within the RSP, such as Times Square.

  • #179 b4b2fdb Thanks @jonathansick! - Moved auth URLs into Squared as a library. The getLoginUrl and getLogout URL functions compute the full URLs to the RSP's login and logout endpoints and include the ?rd query strings to return the user to current and home URL respectively.

  • #179 6be6b1c Thanks @jonathansick! - Reimplement HeaderNav using the PrimaryNavigation component from Squared. Although the menu looks the same visually, it is now entirely powered by the Radix NavigationMenu primitive so that any menu item can be a trigger for a menu rather than a link to another page. The Login / user menu is reimplemented as a menu item rather than with the special GafaelfawrUserMenu component.

Patch Changes


19 Feb 22:54
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Minor Changes

  • #179 9b19301 Thanks @jonathansick! - Add DOM to lib options. This makes types available for DOM APIs, which we do use in react libraries like Squared.


19 Feb 22:54
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Minor Changes

  • #179 b4b2fdb Thanks @jonathansick! - Moved auth URLs into Squared as a library. The getLoginUrl and getLogout URL functions compute the full URLs to the RSP's login and logout endpoints and include the ?rd query strings to return the user to current and home URL respectively.

  • #179 77274e7 Thanks @jonathansick! - Add a new PrimaryNavigation component. This component uses the Radix NavigationMenu primitive and is intended to be a comprehensive solution for the primary navigation in the header of Squareone. The earlier GafaelfawrUserMenu component in Squared also uses NavigationMenu, but as a single item. With PrimaryNavigation, the functionality of GafaelfawrUserMenu can be composed into an instance of PrimaryNavigation. Like GafaelfawrMenu, PrimaryNavigation is set up so that menus only appear after clicking on a trigger, rather than on hover. As well, PrimaryNavigation ensures the menu is proximate to the trigger (an improvement on the default NavigationMenu functionality that centers the menu below the whole navigation element.


31 Jan 20:10
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Minor Changes

  • #175 9cadf35 Thanks @jonathansick! - The Times Square UI now closes its connection to the /times-square/pages/:page/html/events?<qs> SSE endpoint once the page instance's execution status is "complete" and the HTML hash is computed. With this change, the Times Square UI reduces its ongoing load on the API and also reduces network usage. The HTML page will still update to the latest version because the iframe component pings the Times Square pages/:page/htmlstatus?<qs> endpoint. We may back this off or convert the page update to an opt-in future in the future to further reduce network and API load from the front-end.


30 Jan 19:02
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Minor Changes

  • #176 8e5b789 Thanks @fajpunk! - Added Sentry instrumentation to the squareone app.

    Both the NextJS client (frontend) and server (backend) code are instrumented with the official Sentry NextJS integration. The Sentry DSN should be provided in a SENTRY_DSN environment variable. If a Sentry DSN is not provided, there will be no changes to app behaviour. If a Sentry DSN is provided, then these things will be sent to Sentry:

    • Any uncaught exceptions and error-level logs
    • Traces for user interaction (according to the sample settings)
    • Session replays for user interaction (according to the sample settings)

    There are new config file options for Sentry configuration:

    • sentryTracesSampleRate
    • sentryReplaysSessionSampleRate
    • sentryReplaysOnErrorSampleRate
    • sentryDebug

    There is a new route, /sentry-example-page which provides a way to quickly check that the Sentry integration is working.


22 Jan 22:58
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Minor Changes

  • #173 c5dac7f Thanks @jonathansick! - The Times Square interface now includes a link to its user documentation. The root of the environment-specific site is configured through the new docsBaseUrl configuration parameter.

  • #173 c5dac7f Thanks @jonathansick! - Migrated Squareone CSS custom properties / design tokens to global-css from the globals.css file in the Squareone app

    With this change, any app as well as the Squared component library can use CSS custom properties such as the elevations (box-shadows, e.g. --sqo-elevation-md) and transitions (--sqo-transition-basic) that are included as global CSS custom properties.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [c5dac7f, c5dac7f]:
    • @lsst-sqre/squared@0.3.0
    • @lsst-sqre/global-css@0.2.0


22 Jan 22:58
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Minor Changes

  • #173 c5dac7f Thanks @jonathansick! - Added a new component, IconPill. This component creates an inline pill that acts as a link button. The contents of the pill are an easy-to-configure icon from FontAwesome alongside text. The colours of the pill are configurable by props, but by default the pill looks similar to to the button component.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [c5dac7f]:
    • @lsst-sqre/global-css@0.2.0


22 Jan 22:58
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Minor Changes

  • #173 c5dac7f Thanks @jonathansick! - Migrated Squareone CSS custom properties / design tokens to global-css from the globals.css file in the Squareone app

    With this change, any app as well as the Squared component library can use CSS custom properties such as the elevations (box-shadows, e.g. --sqo-elevation-md) and transitions (--sqo-transition-basic) that are included as global CSS custom properties.


21 Aug 19:40
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Minor Changes

  • #171 55ff9ab Thanks @jonathansick! - Add support for analytics

    In Squareone, set the plausibleDomain configuration to the Plausible tracking domain. E.g. for the RSP. To disable Plausible tracking where it isn't supported, set this configuration to null.


10 Jul 17:52
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Patch Changes