An Arduino Library for Weather station conversions
This is a work in progress. Just started my first Library. This library includes conversions for a Arduino Weather station that gathers temperature, humidity and barometric pressure.
The code is written and tested on a Genuino Zero. With a DHT22 and a BMP280 Barometric pressure and a 20x4 I2C LCD. Also in the circuit is a I2C frendly level shifter. This is for the Library only but did not have time to test it on its own yet.
Deployment on this has stopped as I have attached it to a Arduino YUN shield and am logging directly to a MySQL database running on a desktop computer. Therefor this library is no longer required as I use a Raspberry Pi 3 as web server and it calculates all this weather info. but this library has been running in my basement Since November 2016 and still logging and displaying on the LCD.