Project developed in a group where the objective was to create a food and drink recipe app. It was a long project where we had several complications, but in the end we managed to organize ourselves and develop the project, which in my opinion, was functional and beautiful. This project is a consolidation of everything we've learned so far (hardskills, softskills), and it was very gratifying to see the result.
- Log in with an email and password;
- View recipes as in a menu;
- Navigate between the food and drink tab;
- Search by ingredient, food/drink name and by first letter;
- Filter by different categories;
- View the details of a recipe;
- Favorite the recipes;
- Share the recipes;
- Track food and drink recipe preparation progress!
- View recipes made;
- View favorites recipes;
API: TheMealDB and TheCocktailDB;
The project interface was developed in 360 x 640 resolution, for better usability, use this resolution.
Web version: Recipes App
- In the terminal, in a directory of your choice, clone the repository:
git clone
- Enter project folder:
cd recipes-app
- Inside the project repository, install the dependencies:
npm install
- After that, run the command that will open a tab with the project in the browser:
npm start
- To run the tests, run the command:
npm test