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💫 Sobre Mim:

🤖 Trabalho como Developer Advocate de Google AI no Google
🇧🇷 Sou brasileiro, nortista, casado, pai de dois humaninhos e de três pitbulls 🐕
🤝 Estou sempre em busca de colaborar com projetos que deem retorno social
🪴 Atualmente, estudando para tentar diminuir um dos meus maiores gaps de conhecimento: frontend -> então, Angular ftw!
💡 Conte comigo para tentar ajudar com questões relacionadas a engenharia de software, ciência de dados, inteligência artificial e consciência de classe.

💫 About Me:

🤖 I'm currently working as Developer Advocate for Cloud AI at Google
🇧🇷 I'm Brazilian, from the north, married, father of two little humans and three pitbulls 🐕
🤝 I'm always looking to collaborate with projects with social give back
🪴 Currently I'm trying to cover my knowledge gap with frontend -> so Angular ftw!
💡 Count on me to try helping with questions about software engineering, data science, artificial intelligence and class consciousness.

🌐 Socials:

LinkedIn Medium Stack Overflow Twitch Twitter YouTube

💻 Tech Stack:

C C++ Python Google Cloud Firebase Angular

📊 GitHub Stats:

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🐦 Latest Tweet

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Popular repositories Loading

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  2. generative-ai-ptbr-prototypes generative-ai-ptbr-prototypes Public

    Protótipos utilizando Generative AI na Vertex AI da Google Cloud

    Jupyter Notebook 7 2

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    Um protótipo de voicebot utilizando Gemini API e serviços Twilio

    JavaScript 6 1

  4. TDC2021_QML TDC2021_QML Public

    Materials for the track "Machine Learning on the Quantum realm" (TDC 2021, Brazil)


  5. vertexai-gnn-classification vertexai-gnn-classification Public

    Um exercício de criação de um modelo de redes neurais de grafos utilizando a Vertex AI. A simple exercise about creating a graph neural network using Vertex AI.

    Jupyter Notebook 2

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