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Nahuel Palumbo edited this page Mar 28, 2025 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Phausto wiki!


To have Phusto working in your Pharo image, follow the next steps:

  1. Download a new Pharo image. (At the moment of this writing, Phausto was tested in Pharo 11 and 12.)

  2. Download the Phausto library for your OS:

    • Mac 🍎 intel here and arm here
    • Linux 🐧 here -- If Portaudio is not installed on your distribution, open and terminal and execute:
      sudo apt install libportaudio2
    • Windows 🪟 here

    And copy the folder next to your .image file.


Warning for Mac 🍎!

If you are using an Intel Mac, you need to open the three .dylib files and allow the execution in Security & Privacy settings.

image A terminal should be opened if the file could be executed, you can close it and continue with the installation.
  1. Load the project in your image using Metacello, copy and execute in a Playground one of these installation script.

    • If you want to use just Phausto:
    Metacello new
     baseline: 'Phausto';
     repository: 'github://lucretiomsp/phausto:main';
    • If you want to use the User Interface, you need to install the CoypuIDE (it has Phausto as dependency):
    Metacello new
     baseline: 'CoypuIDE';
     repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/CoypuIDE/';
     onConflict: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
     onUpgrade: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
  2. Ready! You should be able to try the examples in the README.

Export DSP developed in Phausto to different architectures

To be able to export your DSPs to a different architecture (C++, Cmajor, Bela, Julia, etcetera) you need to download the architecture folder and place the directory next to your Pharo image.

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