- 👋 Hi,I am LucyToastinne
- Im 20 years old currently working on my python projects along with my HTML ,CSS projects
- and i like to share these projects and colaborate with people to upgrade my skills and i want to learn C++, C#, C langauges to learn to operate in game design like Unreal Engine, Unity , Godot and Gamemaker studio , and one of my dreams is create an JRPG or a action game, along side with a surgery i want to do in the future.
I am formed as an tecnic in Logistic by ETEC Guarulhos in 22th December 2022 I also finished my python course that teach me about the python basics and i recently doing my Python course that teaches me about the intermediary knowledge in Python I was making courses bout CSS and HTML to develop sites and became a full stack dev. But i must admit that requires a lot of me and i will be forever a aprentice because new things are created in the programming area Well welcome to my Profile
Here my Social medias: https://lucytoastinne.carrd.co
also i love drawings, i love office, i love to play games especially if they are JRPGS , i want to edit videos and make my personals projects