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The project simplifies Verus Coin (VRSC) cryptocurrency wallet state monitoring. Using Python scripts and AWS serverless application, it notifies you if there is a new staking reward (stake) in your VRSC wallet.


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Verus stake notification

Python 3.8.5 Boto3 Terraform MIT license

The Verus stake notification is an application that monitors the state of your Verus Coin (VRSC) cryptocurrency wallet. If you "win the block", the application will inform you of a staking reward (new stake) that have appeared in your Verus CLI wallet.


  • The project uses Python script and AWS services to notify the user about the new staking reward (stake) in the VRSC wallet.
  • The Terraform tool is used to build and destroy dedicated environment in the AWS Cloud.
  • The Amazon S3 bucket and DynamoDB table are used as backend for Terraform remote state file.
  • The script can be run at regular intervals on the host running the VRSC wallet (with cronjob or systemd timer). If a new stake arrives, the script calls the API Gateway in AWS Cloud (with POST method).
  • When the API Gateway URL is invoked:
    • the AWS resources will send email notification to a selected address;
    • information about new stake are added to the Amazon DynamoDB tables.
  • Orphan stakes and new transactions (transferring cryptocurrency from/to wallet) are not counted.
  • The email address that will be notified about new stake is stored in .env file (EMAIL_TO_NOTIFY).
  • In Amazon DynamoDB stakes data is stored in two tables:
    • verus_stakes_txids_table - information about each stake (stake transaction id, stake value, stake timestamp);
    • verus_stakes_values_table - information about the value and number of stakes for a given period of time (year and month).
  • Access to API Gateway is authorized with Amazon Cognito.
  • Additionally, access to the API Gateway can also be limited to a selected ip address (VRSC wallet public ip address):
    • To limit access to specific public ip address - set WALLET_PUBLIC_IP='your-public-ip-address' in .env file;
    • To leave the API Gateway open to the public - set WALLET_PUBLIC_IP='' in .env file.
  • The API Gateway URL and Amazon Cognito data are added to new_stake_script/.env-api file during AWS environment build.
  • Data stored in new_stake_script/.env-api file are used by the script when it detects a new stake.
  • The script saves its logs in a new_stake_script/stake.log file.
  • Two additional scripts are included in the new_stake_script folder:
    • Python script - call API Gateway with GET and POST methods;
    • Bash script - get Amazon Cognito token and call API Gateway with GET method.

Project architecture

Project architecture

Getting Started

Below instructions will get you a copy of the project running on your local host.


Python third party packages:

Other prerequisites:

  • The Verus Coin (VRSC) CLI wallet running on some Linux distribution. You can find appropriate wallet binaries on Verus Coin (VRSC) project website - Verus wallet.
  • The AWS account.
  • Before using scripts, you need to set up authentication credentials for your AWS account (with programmatic access) using either the IAM Management Console or the AWS CLI tool.
  • The Terraform tool must be installed in order to successfully deploy the AWS resources using it.
  • Remote Terraform state file backend with Amazon S3 and DynamoDB services.
  • The virtualenv package already installed on the OS level.

Build and run the application

The project creation process is divided into two phases:

  1. Deployment of the AWS resources (infrastructure) with Terraform tool.
  2. Setup script for monitoring the VRSC wallet.

⚠️ Note: It is recommended to build the AWS infrastructure on a different host than the one running the VRSC wallet (fe. your localhost) .

In both phases we will use the virtualenv tool to build the application.

  1. Clone git repository to user home directory and enter verus-stake-notification directory.

    $ git clone
    $ cd verus-stake-notification/
  2. On the infrastructure building host run following commands in order to create virtual environment and install the required packages.

    $ virtualenv venv
    # or 
    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    (venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Before running the application you should:

    • create .env file in the root application directory (verus-stake-notification). The best solution is to copy the existing example file .env-example and edit the necessary data.
    (venv) $ cp .env-example .env
    • create backend.hcl file (Terraform remote state configuration) inside terraform_files dir. Copy example file and edit necessary data.
    (venv) $ cd terraform_files/
    (venv) $ cp backend-example.hcl backend.hcl
  4. To build the AWS resources with Terraform tool use script. Before running state remote state file backend configuration.

    Script usage:

    usage: [-h] [--region REGION] [--profile PROFILE] {init,build,destroy} ...
    The script deploys AWS resources with terraform
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --region REGION       AWS region in which resources will be deployed (default: eu-west-1)
      --profile PROFILE     AWS profile used to deploy resources (default: default)
    Valid actions:
        init                Initialize Terraform working directory
        build               Build AWS environment
        destroy             Remove already created AWS environment

    Run following commands to build the AWS resources:

    💡 Note: The first time you run the python build command, the Terraform working directory will be initialized.

     (venv) $ python build
     # For more options use:
     (venv) $ python -h
     # deactivate virtual environment after infrastructure deployment
     (venv) $ deactivate
  5. Once the AWS resources are properly deployed, you should copy new_stake_script directory to the host where the VRSC wallet is running.

    # example of a copying a dictionary to remote host using the rsync tool 
    $ rsync -avzP new_stake_script/ user@your-vrsc-wallet-host:~/new_stake_script/

    ⚠️ Note: After setting up the AWS resources correctly and copying the new_stake_script directory to the host with the VRSC wallet running, for testing purposes you can get Cognito Access Token and make a test call to the API Gateway with

  6. On the host with running VRSC wallet run following commands in order to create virtual environment and install the required packages.

    $ cd ~/new_stake_script/
    $ virtualenv venv
    # or 
    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    (venv) $ pip install -r requirements-script.txt
  7. Add a cronjob on the host with the running VRSC wallet to check the status of the wallet every 20 minutes.

     (venv) $ crontab -e

    Add below line to crontab (please change your username accordingly):

    */20 * * * * /home/user/new_stake_script/venv/bin/python /home/user/new_stake_script/
  8. To remove all project's AWS resources with Terraform tool use below command. Remember to activate virtual environment before run commands (should be issued on the host from which you built the infrastructure).

    (venv) $ python destroy

Run additional scripts

  • Extra scripts should be run on the host where the VRSC wallet is running and after the AWS resources deployment.
  • Scripts should be run from new_stake_script directory.

Script usage:

(venv) $ cd new_stake_script/
(venv) $ python
usage: [-h] {get,post} ...

The verus-notification API Gateway calling script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Valid HTTP methods:
    get       get value of VRSC stakes in selected time period
    post      post new VRSC stake with specified value

"post" method usage: get [-h] [-d DATE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATE, --date DATE  year or month of year (default: 2022-01)

"get" method usage: post [-h] [-v VALUE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VALUE, --value VALUE
                        stake value (default: 12.0)

You can use the script using one of the following commands:

# Run script with 'get' and default option (current month).
python get
# You should get the similar output:
{'statusCode': 200, 'body': '{"timeframe": "2022-01", "stakes_count": 0, "stakes_amount": 0}'}
# or
{'statusCode': 200, 'body': '{"timeframe": "2022-01", "stakes_count": 3.0, "stakes_amount": 124.0}'}

# Run script with 'get' and the specified date (year 2022).
python get --date 2022
# You should get the similar output:
{'statusCode': 200, 'body': '{"timeframe": "2022", "stakes_count": 4.0, "stakes_amount": 136.0}'}

# Run script with 'get' and the specified date (December 2021).
python get --date 2021-12
# You should get the similar output:
{'statusCode': 200, 'body': '{"timeframe": "2021-12", "stakes_count": 0, "stakes_amount": 0}'}

# Run script with 'post' and default option (stake value = 12 VRSC).
python post
# You should get the similar output:
{'statusCode': 200, 'body': '"Tables updated and notification sent!"'}

# Run script with 'post' and stake value = 100 VRSC.
python post --value 100
# You should get the similar output:
{'statusCode': 200, 'body': '"Tables updated and notification sent!"'}

Script usage:

(venv) $ cd new_stake_script/
(venv) $ ./
   ________                                         __  _
  / ____/ /_  ____  ____  ________     ____  ____  / /_(_)___  ____
 / /   / __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \   / __ \/ __ \/ __/ / __ \/ __ \
/ /___/ / / / /_/ / /_/ (__  )  __/  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /
\____/_/ /_/\____/\____/____/\___/   \____/ .___/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/

1. Get Cognito Access Token
2. Get Cognito Access Token and call API Gateway with GET method


The project simplifies Verus Coin (VRSC) cryptocurrency wallet state monitoring. Using Python scripts and AWS serverless application, it notifies you if there is a new staking reward (stake) in your VRSC wallet.








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