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lzinga edited this page Apr 11, 2021 · 1 revision

To create a page you must create a class which implements IPage and apply the PageAttribute to it. You can view an example of a page below or within the example project included in the solution.

[Page("Login", "")]
public class LoginPage : IPage
    [FindWhere(Where.Name, "login")]
    public IHtmlElement Username { get; set; }

    [FindWhere(Where.Name, "password")]
    public IHtmlElement Password { get; set; }

    [FindWhere(Where.Name, "commit")]
    public IHtmlElement Submit { get; set; }

    // When the page is called to execute this is the process
    // that will be executed.
    public void Execute(IBrowser browser)
        Username.SendKeys("<your username>");
        Password.SendKeys("<your password>");

    // When the page is complete this must return true before it
    // continues to the next page (if executing many)
    public bool Validate(IBrowser browser)
        // Before moving to the next page, wait for the profile image to appear.
        return browser.TryWaitFor(Where.Css,
            "body > div.position-relative.js-header-wrapper > header > > details > summary > img",
            out IHtmlElement _);


PageAttribute - Used to specify the pages metadata.

  1. Name: The friendly name of the page that will be loaded.
  2. Url: The URL that will be navigated too when this page is executed.
  3. pageLoadTimeout: The individual load time for this page, does not affect other pages.. (Defaults to PageCollectionOptions)

WaitForElementAttribute - Applies to the Page class to wait for the specified element before executing. (Uses page timeout if specified)

  1. Where: The defining type of how the selection will be found.
  2. Value: The query used for selecting the element. (For Example - XPath, CSS, Class, etc)

FindWhereAttribute - Applies to Page properties to load the html element on page load.


When writing automation for a page things can get messy pretty quickly if the website has you jump around a lot. You can chain commands like in the example below.

browser.FindElement(Where.XPath, "//*[@id='sp_formfield_search']")
    .ThenFindElement(Where.XPath, "//*[@id='Add']/div/span/div/div/div[2]/input[2]")
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