This repository is an Ansible Playbook Demo for installing MicroShift 4.12 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7
- SSH connection with password authentication
(local) $ sudo dnf install -y ansible sshpass
(local) $ ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
(local) $ cd ~/
(local) $ git clone
Set IP address and username in hosts file.
(local) $ cd ~/microshift-ansible-demo
(local) $ vim hosts
[remote] <= set IP address
ansible_user=hogehoge <= set username
Download your pull secret from the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.
Place pull secret in the files
folder with the name openshift-pull-secret
. (.txt extension is not required.)
(local) $ ls ~/microshift-ansible-demo/files
(local) $ cd ./microshift-ansible-demo
(local) $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts --ask-become-pass --ask-pass