Simply bash script that create tar.gz for elements on $work_dir to $backup_dir and send to mail account. Additionally rotate backups files, you can define time on $days_left
This script have to be runned as super-user if you want to backup files with root permissions. Remember to give to that script properly permissions to execute (chmod 711) and root owner if you need it (chown root:root).
To define all the parameters needed in the process you only need to go to start of the file and change variables
Additionally remember to add this script on your crontab to automate the process, highly recomended to run this script once a day.
mailutils package is required to send email with files on $backup_dir to admin mail.
Author: m0rfeo
Im open to suggestions about how make the process more elegant and efficient :)
Additionally I don't know if with mail can upload very larges files, i usually use this script to backup docker-compose structure up and my backups does not exceed 600MB.