Fougere is an Andoid library that provides a user-centric privacy control for data-intensive mobile apps.
./gradlew installDebug
For faster integration with your app, you can use our Gradle project.
In your root project folder you should checkout this project:
git checkout
In YourProject/settings.gradle
you should add:
include ':fougere'
project(':fougere').projectDir = new File('../fougere')
And in YourProject/settings.gradle
you should add:
compile project(":fougere")
If you are using Fougere
, please cite the following research paper:
Lakhdar Meftah, Romain Rouvoy, and Isabelle Chrisment."FOUGERE: User-Centric Location Privacy in Mobile Crowdsourcing Apps."In IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, pp. 116-132. Springer,Cham, 2019. (pdf). Best Paper Award.