REST API app template using FastAPI with Uvicorn as ASGI server, Postgres as database, SQLAlchemy for database interactions, Alembic for database migrations, Pytest for testing.
Run using Docker:
docker compose build # build images
docker compose up -d postgres app # run database and app
docker compose run --rm migrations alembic upgrade head # update database schema
Or locally using Conda:
conda env create -f environment.yml # install conda environment
conda activate pir # activate conda environment
docker compose up -d postgres # run database server
alembic upgrade head # update database schema
Alembic is used for migrations. It was setup for async usage (see Async Alembic Setup). Alembic configs and revisions are under migrations/. Revision files are prepended with the date. So, if not more than one revision was created per day, they should be chronologically ordered. To generate a new revision run:
docker compose up -d postgres # run database server
alembic upgrade head # update database schema
alembic check # check current migration
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<message>" # generate new revision
Then manually check the generated revision file. The autogenerate function does not detect everything (see docs here). Then upgrade to inlcude the new revision.
alembic upgrade head # update database schema
alembic current # show current migration
git commit -a -m "<message>" # commit revision
There is a pytest test suite organized under tests/functional/. This is setup to be run with async tests (see Async Pytest). In .github/workflows/dockerimage.yml these tests are executed from within a container. Run them locally with:
docker compose up -d postgres # run database server
pytest tests/functional/ # run tests
Under tests/integration/ there is a python CLI. It can be used to add sample data or run tests against a running app. These tests are supposed to run against a deployed app. In .github/workflows/dockerimage.yml they are run from within one test container against the app container in the same network. Run them locally with:
docker compose build # build images
docker compose up -d postgres app # run database and app
docker compose run --rm migrations alembic upgrade head # update database schema
docker compose run --rm tests python -m tests.integration --help # see commands
docker compose run --rm tests python -m tests.integration sample_data --app-url "http://localhost:80" # e.g. add sample data
In .github/workflows/dockerimage.yml alembic check
is run
to make sure the defined database models match with the revisions.
To check locally:
docker compose up -d postgres # run database server
alembic upgrade head # update database schema
alembic check # check current migration
The DBAPI for postgres has to be asyncpg
SQLAlchemy provides async variants of Session
, sessionmaker
, engine
, and their context managers.
Practically, this means execute()
and commit()
have to be awaited.
This also means lazy loading attributes doesn't work as before.
I set relationship(lazy="raise")
so that one has to fetch all attributes explicitly (better anyway).
The session maker has expire_on_commit=False
, so that ORM objects can be used after committing a session.
A session uses one event loop and is not threadsafe. So within a session everything should run in sequence. Which means the asynchronous execution comes to play on the request level only (e.g. one request can be handled while another is waiting for the database to respond).
When using the SQLAlchemy Core API ORM-sided features don't always work.
E.g. relationship(..., cascade="delete")
doesn't actually trigger on delete.
Instead I have to use the database features, i.e. ForeignKey(..., ondelete="CASCADE")
Pytests need pytest-asyncio
to execute async tests and fixtures.
Async tests can automatically be marked for asyncio by having asyncio_mode=auto
in pytest.ini.
doesn't seem to work well by async SQLAlchemy.
Running tests naively leads to "RunTimeError: Task got Future attached to different loop"
To avoid that, the test setup has to make sure everything runs in the same event loop.
So, I am using the app's session maker and set all fixtures to the session loop by
having asyncio_default_fixture_loop_scope=session
in pytest.ini.
But there is no such setting for the async tests themselves.
This has to be done manually with a hook pytest_collection_modifyitems
in (according to the docs).
Alembic has a async setup command alembic init -t async ...
. has to be edited to load ORM mappings and the database URL from app.
The connectable
can be created with create_async_engine
with a NullPool
I also edited alembic.ini to include a timestamp in the migration file, so that they are easier to find.
FastAPI offers a CLI that starts uvicorn to serve the app.
This CLI has a --workers
argument to start multiple processes at once.
Setting this argument (more than 1 process) breaks the app.
There will be connection refused
errors if many requests are comming in.
I added concurrency tests to tests/integration/.
Probably the web server doesn't serve multiple processes correctly.
I assume serving the app with gunicorn would work fine. But this means, one has to make the decision of whether to use asyncio or multiple processes. Both wouldn't work.