This playbook will do: (Everything here is customisable) (Primarily made for Ubuntu/Debian based systems)
- add hostname (from ansible hostname) to /etc/hosts
- Install some packages
- Install zsh and setup some usefull alias
- Setup Swap and if running on azure( identified with .az in hostname), it will add swap to temporary storage
- Setup a loopback and a bridge interface
- Get ssl certificate with certbot
- Change ssh port to something non-standard
- setup iptables/nftables firewall
- Setup fail2ban
- Setup wireguard (private keys needs to be genarated beforehand)
- Setup internal dns resolution for all hosts in the wireguard network (Usefull for docker swarm, kubernetes, etc)
- Install Docker and docker-compose and add user to docker group
- Setup default docker bind address to the wireguard interface
- Setup prometheus node exporter service
Required for most roles
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p roles/galaxy/ --force
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
Variables for For All
rename example.main.yml to main.yml
wireguard/files/{{ inventory_hostname }}.conf
For wireguard server config file, wireguard/files folder doesnt exist and needs to be created
- Portainer agent
- By default, setup a portainer agent container for all host except any host with the group name 'reverse_proxy'
- Watchtower
- Uptime-Kuma
- Requires a group in ansible host with the name
for installation to that groups vm
- Requires a group in ansible host with the name
For certbot dns validation
For prometheus node exporter ssl certificate To generate a self signed certificate, run the following command:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout node_exporter.key -out node_exporter.crt