- A basic course on Faroese language for beginners
- A basic course on Faroese language for beginners (grammar book)
- Neologisms
- sprotin.fo - online dictionary
- Føroysk-ensk orðabók = Faroese-English dictionary
- Faroese, Michael P. Barnes, with Eivind Weyhe
- Faroese (Faringisch, Faroisch, Farisch), Helge Sandoy (includes a chapter on "Language policy and politics, attitudes")
- Danish in the Faroe Islands: A Post-Colonial Perspective
- sprotin.fo - proverbs
- From the Vikings to the Reformation A Chronicle of the Faroe Islands Up to 1538 : George Vaughan Chichester Young
- The Faroe Islands, Interpretations of History
- Faroe Islands today
- Pen and pencil sketches of Faröe and Iceland. With an appendix containing translations from the Icelandic and 51 illustrations engraved on wood by W. J. Linton : Symington, Andrew James, b. 1825
- See a bit of all cities and villages on the Faroe Islands
- The Faeroe Islands Topographic Atlas 1988
- Politics in Small Independent Communities
- The Norse settlement of Shetland and Faroe, c.800-c.1500: a comparative study, Lindsay Macgregor (places names)
- Brandt, Don (2006). More Stamps and Story of the Faroe Islands
- Trap - The Faroe Islands
- heimabeiti.fo - Hvussu gomul er bygdin
- history.fo - Jarðarbókin 1584
- Føroya søga : Hans Jacob Debes
- Faroese press archives
- Fróðskaparrit - Faroese Scientific Journal archives
- Bygdanøvn broytt, 2010
- Schrøter, Johan Hendrik og Hammershaimb, V.U. (1852). «Færøiske folkesagn (includes villlage names origins) // download link
- Færøske folkesagn og æventyr udg. for Samfund til udgivelse af gammel nordisk literatur : Jakobsen, Jakob
- Færøsk anthologi : Hammershaimb, V. U. (Venceslaus Ulricus)
Publications older than 5 years and available in digital format in full length.
- Fiskivinnan sum broytingaramboð hjá amtmanninum by Erling Isholm
- Kvæði – nýggj sjónarmið by Eyðun Andreassen
- Bók Jógvan by Zakaris S. Hansen
- North Atlantic Euroscepticism by Christian Rebhan
- The Rise of Faroese Separatism. by Hans Andrias Sølvará
- Frændafundur 8 by Turið Sigurðardóttir
- Proceedings of the 4th Faroe Islands Exploration Conference by Óluva R. Eidesgaard
- Er heima til? by Bergur Djurhuus Hansen
- Bót og biti by Jóan Pauli Joensen
- Frá sjálvstýri móti loysing by Hans Andrias Sølvará
- Betwixt and Between by Janna Egholm Hansen
- Vestnorden by Gestur Hovgaard
- Frá Sturlungu til West Venture by Hansen Zakaris Svabo
- Brethren in the Faroes by Tórður Jóansson
- Proceedings of the 3rd Faroe Islands Exploration Conference by Thomas Varming
- Færøysk liv i nordisk perspektiv by Edit Bugge
- Vestnordisk språkkontakt gjennom 1200 år by Gunnstein Akselberg
- Danse- og sanglege på Færøerne by Andrea Susanne Opielka
- Dorete - her book by S.A. Bengtson
- Pilot Whaling in the Faroe Islands by Jóan Pauli Joensen
- Proceedings of the 2nd Faroe Islands Exploration Conference by Thomas Varming
- Frændafundur 6 by Turið Sigurðardóttir
- Miðlar, mentan & seinmodernitetur by Firouz Gaini
- Sæteren ved Argisbrekka by Ditlev L. Mahler
- Útlitini fyri einum málskifti by Rakul Skaale Andreassen
- Kenn mær einki um by Brynhild Kamban
- Orð, mynd og veruleiki by Malan Marnersdóttir
- Í Bókmentagrønanum by Bergur Djurhuus Hansen
- Ungur nemur by Turið Sigurðardóttir
- Platon by J.H.O. Djurhuus
- Bumbuatsóknin móti løgtingshúsinum í 1945 by Hans Andrias Sølvará
- Verjurøða ummælarans by Paula Gaard
- Local Measures to Global Pressure by Arnbjørn Mortensen
- Staðarnøvn í Mykinesi by Steingrim Abrahamsen
- Vatnanøvn í Føroyum by Eivind Weyhe
- Føroysk purisma by Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen
- Royndin by Hans Andrias Sølvará
- Fjallanøvn í Føroyum by Eivind Weyhe
- Traditional Faroese Food Culture by Jóan Pauli Joensen
- Ævintýr by Eyðun Andreassen
- Frá tilboði til læknastríð by Hans Andrias Sølvará
- Lessons of Islands by Firouz Gaini
- Tey fyrstu jólini by Hans Andrias Sølvará
- Naboer i Nordatlanten by Andras Mortensen
- Eivindaródn by Anfinnur Johansen
- Malunarmót by Eyðun Andreassen
- Among the Islanders of the North by Firouz Gaini
- Hentzasavn by Eivind Weyhe
- Konubrot by Bjørg Jacobsen
- Brot úr Føroya søgu by Lena Nolsøe
- Greinasavn um Sameindu Tjóðir og Mannarættindi by Firouz Gaini
- Christian Matras’ brevveksling med William Heinesen og Karsten Hoydal by Anne-Kari Skarðhamar
- Kommunupolitikkur by Beinta í Jákupsstovu
- Símunarbók by Helgi Michelsen
- Guds orð ella orð um Gud by Hans Andrias Sølvará
- Hjarta uttan fylgisneyta by Hanus Kamban
- Adressumálið by Hans Andrias Sølvará
- Kunnskap og makt by Beinta í Jákupsstovu
- Endurreisn kvæðana by Sólfinn Hansen