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[Uc3m] Cybersecurity practice to measure the scalability and complexity of Attribute-Based Encryption

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ABE Scalability | uc3m

Cybersecurity practice to measure the scalability and complexity of Attribute-Based Encryption 🔧

By Alejandro Pérez Bueno (

Table of Contents


The goal for this project is to get familiar with the cpabe tools for attribute-based encryption. We are asked to code an algorithm that creates various users and their secret keys made from a set of attributes, and later encrypts and decrypts a 5MB pdf file several times. In this practice we will try different combinations of the number of users, attributes and repetitions. The idea is to measure how long it takes to encrypt and decrypt the pdf file depending on these values.

Code Implementation

I implemented the algorithm for encryption in C, since it is what I'm most comfortable coding in. The project includes a Makefile with the necessary compliation rules. It will create the executable file cp_abe inside a bin/ folder. This program always takes three arguments:

usage: cp_abe <n_users> <n_attributes> <n_repetitions>

Here is a quick overview of the functions I created:

Function Description
parse_args Reads arguments from argv and saves number of users, attributes and repetitions
create_dirs Creates tests/ folder where all users' folders will be, and runs cpabe-setup in tests/master/
config_dirs Creates folder for every user and creates attributes for all of them
get_time Returns current epoch time (seconds since 1970)
get_str Adds given index to provided string (eg "user_1", "attr_3", "file_n")
wrap_cmd Joins up to three strings together (used to create command strings)
crypt_pdf For every n_repeat, encrypts the pdf and then every user decrypts it
encrypt_pdf Encrypts pdf file file.pdf with all attributes as file-enc.pdf.cpabe
decrypt_pdf Decrypts pdf for a given user and saves it to the user's folder
ft_putstr_fd Writes a custom string to a file descriptor with write
ft_atoi Converts ascii to int. Reads a string and obtains the equivalent integer value
ft_itoa Converts int to ascii. Reads an int and obtains the equivalent string value
ft_strdup Returns allocated copy of a string
ft_strjoin Joins two strings together in an allocated string
ft_substr Returns allocated substring (copies n bytes from start of the given string)
ft_strlen Returns length of a string
ft_nbrlen Returns length of a number
ft_strlcat Copies n - 1 bytes of a string into another one
ft_isspace Returns 1 if char is a form of space (same as isspace)
ft_putchar_fd Writes a char to a file descriptor
ft_putnbr_fd Writes int to a file descriptor

Here are the builtin functions I used and a quick description of what they do. Check their manpages for more information

Function Description
system Runs a command from the system (used mainly for cpabe commands)
gettimeofday Returns epoch in a timeval struct
open Opens a file to a file descriptor
close Closes a file descriptor
write Writes n bytes of memory to a file descriptor
printf Prints string to stdout
malloc Allocates bytes of memory to a given pointer
free Frees allocated memory from a pointer
chdir Changes the system's current working directory (same as cd in a shell)
  • General Code description

The code of this practice is hopefully easy to read, but it is actually pretty straightforward. Here is a rough list of the instructions it goes over:

  1. Reads arguments from argv (argument list) to save n_usrs, n_attrs and n_rep.
  2. Deletes tests/ folder (if present), creates tests/master/ folder, runs cpabe-setup in it.
  3. In the tests/ folder, creates folder for every user (user_1, ..., user_n), copies pub_key and creates priv key with their attributes (attr_1, ..., attr_n) using cpabe-keygen.
  4. Opens log file log.txt in the tests/ folder where basic logging information will be saved.
  5. Stores current time before starting encryption.
  6. Repeats n_rep times the process of encrypting the file file.pdf with all attributes and then decrypting it for every user in their user folder as (file_1.pdf, ..., file_n.pdf)
  7. Stores current time after encryption.
  8. Prints end_time - start_time, closes log.txt and exits

Testing the Algorithm

For this part, we will take a look at the time it takes to encrypt and decrypt a file. We retrieve 20 measurements and compute an average (mean). Then we'll make a graph to better visualize the results.

No. of Users No. of Attributes Avg. Execution Time (s) Total Execution Time (s)
5 5 0.518 11
5 20 0.849 17
20 5 1.664 35
20 20 2.603 54

Note: these values are highly dependant on the processing power of the device running the program. It is only interesting to see the variations in time relative to each other, rather than the actual numbers.

  • Key Sizes

To view the key sizes, I thought I'd use something like the following:

cat -e tests/master/master_key | wc -c

Master Key Size (bytes): 325

No. of Attributes Secret Key Size
5 3288
20 12340
50 30771

As we can see, the key size increases very fast as the number of attributes goes up.


Note: I added a few extra rows of data to the graph for better visualization.

From the graph we can see a clear pattern. As expected, the more users and attributes, the longer it will take to encrypt and decrypt the file. However, we can see that changing the number of attributes doesn't affect the performance of the encryption nearly as much as increasing the number of users does. This is easily seen with the case of 5 users and 50 attributes, which roughly takes 30 (1.469s on average) seconds to finish. However, the inverse case of 50 users and 5 attributes per user takes more than double the time, taking almost 90 seconds (3.94s on average) to complete.

Thus, we can confidently say that it will be computationally less feasible to have 1k users than having 1k attributes per user.

How to Run the Program

  • Installation

In order to run this practice, you must install some packages on your system. To build the packages, you must first install these dependencies:

sudo apt -y install make gcc g++ autoconf libc6 libpcre3 flex bison libgmp-dev libssl-dev libglib2.0-dev help2man

Once those dependencies are satisfied, follow these steps to build the required packages on your system (needs root/sudo)

# pbc
tar zxvf pbc-0.5.14.tar.gz; cd pbc-0.5.14
sudo make install
cd ..

# libbswabe
tar zxvf libbswabe-0.9.tar.gz; cd libbswabe-0.9
sudo make install
cd ..

# cpabe
tar zxvf cpabe-0.11.tar.gz; cd cpabe-0.11
./configure --with-pbc-include=/usr/local/include/pbc --with-pbc-lib=/usr/local/lib
sed -e '67 s/\$1/\$1;/' policy_lang.y > temp
mv temp policy_lang.y
sed -e '89 s/help2man/help2man --no-discard-stderr/' Makefile > temp
mv temp Makefile
make LDFLAGS="-lgmp -lpbc -lcrypto -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lglib-2.0 -lbswabe -lgmp"
sudo make LDFLAGS="-lgmp -lpbc -lcrypto -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lglib-2.0 -lbswabe -lgmp" install
cd ..

To make things work, you might need to specify the proper path for the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib" >> ~/.zshrc
  • Usage

As previously mentioned, this project includes a Makefile with all the needed instructions, here's an overview of the commands you can use:

make/make all		compiles executable cp_abe to bin/ directory
make clean		cleans object files in obj/ directory
make fclean		calls clean rule and deletes cp_abe executable
make re			cleans up everything and compiles again
make norminette		Runs C linter (norminette) on all required files

The Makefile compliles the executable cp_abe to a folder called bin/. To run the file, specify the path to the executable:

./bin/cp_abe 5 5 20

Note: if you get an error saying permission denied, enter chmod +x ./bin/cp_abe and try again



All in all, this project was fun to code and it helped me understand the basics of attribute-based encryption and how it scales with larger users and attributes per user :)

April 25th, 2022


[Uc3m] Cybersecurity practice to measure the scalability and complexity of Attribute-Based Encryption







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