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This is a library of general purpose utility functions and classes written in Python. Much of this code is intended to support the imprint project The modules of this library are more-or-less standalone utilities, organized by category.
This library contains plenty of code that relies on external programs and less common Pyhon libraries. The code is considered to be "extras", in the setuptools sense. Extras can be omitted without any modification to the python code. The following extras are supported:
- [docx]: Support for docx file utilities requires python-docx to be installed.
- [latex]: Supporting LaTeX requires a host of external programs to work properly, so this feature is optional. See the dependency page in the main documentation for more information.
- [pdf]: Requires the poppler library to be installed.
- [ps]: Requires GhostScript to be installed.
- [plot]: Plotting tools require matplotlib, which is a heavy dependency, and unnecessary for many purposes.
- [term]: Terminal colors work out of the box on Linux, but require the colorama library to work on Windows.
- [scio]: Science I/O depends on the scipy and astropy libraries to deliver IDL and FITS file support, respectively.
- [xlsx]: Support for xlsx file utilities requires openpyxl to be installed.
To install extras such as latex and pdf, do::
pip install haggis[latex,pdf]
See the documentation at for more information, including the API documentation.
This library in licensed under the AGPLv3, and compatible with later versions. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see