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Jans server CURL Cheat Sheet
To use CURL commands and configure Janssen's Authorization server, you need to have an access token of "Config-API" (which is an RP of Jans-auth server). Configurations to the AS can be done only through "The Config-API client (RP)".
All commands to configure the AS are protected by an Access token. According to the use case, you must specify the scope
for which the access token has been requested.
For the client_id and client_secret, contact your administrator.
curl -u "client_inum:client_secret" https://<your.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/token \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=put_scope_name_here
Example: To modify a custom script, you need to request an access token using the scope scope=https://jans.io/oauth/config/scripts.write
curl -u "put_client_id_here:put_config_api_client_secret_here" https://<your.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/token \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://jans.io/oauth/config/scripts.write"
- Obtain a token, use scope
curl -u "put_client_id_here:put_config_api_client_secret_here" https://<your.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/token \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://jans.io/oauth/config/scripts.write"
- Enable the script
curl https://<your.jans.server>//jans-config-api/api/v1/config/scripts/name/name_of_the_script \
-H "Authorization: Bearer put_access_token_here"
Examples of name_of_the_script
( Authentication methods that are present in the Janssen server.)
Name of the script |
smpp |
otp |
duo |
fido2 |
super_gluu |
twilio_sms |
smpp |
otp |
duo |
fido2 |
super_gluu |
Obtain the pre-existing scopes of the client
- Obtain an Access Token with scope
curl -u "put_client_id_here:put_config_api_client_secret_here" https://<your.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/token \ -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://jans.io/oauth/config/openid/clients.readonly"
- Obtain client information using:
curl -X GET https://my.jans.server/jans-config-api/api/v1/openid/clients/client-s_inum_for_which_scope_to_be_added -H "Authorization: Bearer put_access_token_here"
- Notice the
field. It is a space-seperated String of scope values e.g"scope" : "openid user_name "
. To this, lets append the profile, so the scope attrib should now have value "openid user_name profile"`. This new value will be patched onto the client.
- Obtain an Access Token with scope
Patch the client
- Obtain an Access Token with scope
curl -u "put_client_id_here:put_config_api_client_secret_here" https://<your.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/token \ -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://jans.io/oauth/config/openid/clients.write"
- Patch the new scope for the client
curl -X PATCH -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' \ -i 'https://my.jans.server/jans-config-api/api/v1/openid/clients/put_client_inum_here' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer put_access_token_here" --data '[ { "op": "add", "path": "/scope", "value": "openid user_name profile" } ]'
- Obtain an Access Token with scope
- Obtain an Access Token with scope
curl -u "put_client_id:put_config_api_client_secret_here" https://<your.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/token \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://jans.io/oauth/config/openid/clients.readonly"
- Obtain client information using:
curl -X GET https://my.jans.server/jans-config-api/api/v1/openid/clients/client-s_inum_for_which_grant_types_to_check \
-H "Authorization: Bearer put_access_token_here"
- Notice the
field in the response.
- Obtain access token
curl -k -u "put_client_id:put_client_secret" https://jans-ui.jans.io/jans-auth/restv1/token \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://jans.io/oauth/config/scopes.write"
- Build json on similar lines
"dn": "string",
"inum": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"id": "string",
"iconUrl": "string",
"description": "string",
"scopeType": "openid",
"claims": [
"defaultScope": true,
"groupClaims": true,
"dynamicScopeScripts": [
"umaAuthorizationPolicies": [
"attributes": {
"spontaneousClientId": "string",
"spontaneousClientScopes": [
"showInConfigurationEndpoint": true
"umaType": false,
"deletable": false,
"expirationDate": "2022-07-26"
- Run curl. Note the
field which maps to the database attrib
curl -k -X POST https://jans-ui.jans.io/jans-config-api/api/v1/scopes -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer use_bearer_token_here" --data '{
"dn": "inum=AAC1,ou=scopes,o=jans",
"inum": "AAC1",
"displayName": "website",
"id": "website",
"description": "website",
"scopeType": "openid",
"claims": ["website"],
"umaType": false,
"deletable": false
curl https://jans-ui.jans.io/.well-known/openid-configuration
- Download this json file, update the values and save it as client.json.
Few important fields to populate arescope
(The only mandatory field),grantTypes
- Run curl command
curl -X POST https://my.jans.server/jans-auth/restv1/register \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @/some/directory/client.json
Further reading
curl -k -u "put_client_id:put_client_secret" https://jans-ui.jans.io/jans-auth/restv1/token \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://jans.io/oauth/config/scopes.write"
- On a browser type
- Based on the default authentication method set, the user will be presented with credentials for login. The OpenID Provider (Gluu Server) verifies the user’s identity and authenticates the user.
- In the back channel the following steps take place :
- The OpenID Provider (Gluu Server) sends the user back to the application with an authorization code.
- The application sends the code to the Token Endpoint to receive an Access Token and ID Token in the response.
- The application uses the ID Token to authorize the user. At this point the application/RP can access the UserInfo endpoint for claims.
- Client_id that is used in the curl command below should have grant_type
- Call the Device Authorization Endpoint :
curl -k -u "client_id_here:client_secret_here" https://jans-ui.jans.io/jans-auth/restv1/device_authorization \ -d scope=openid+profile+email+offline_access"
- Response recieved will be like this
{ "user_code": "HJDN-BMHQ", "device_code": "b8a5e5e6b1c10506af4f4bbb5400ca2587dcfe44974d7e62", "interval": 5, "verification_uri_complete": "https://jans-ui.jans.io/device-code?user_code=HJDN-BMHQ", "verification_uri": "https://jans-ui.jans.io/device-code", "expires_in": 1800 }
- User should visit the
link on a browser and enter theuser_code
. - Until the user to activates the device, begin polling token URL to request an Access Token. Use
from step 2 as the polling interval.curl -k -u "client_id:put_client_secret" https://jans-ui.jans.io/jans-auth/restv1/token \ -d "grant_type=client_credentials&grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code&device_code=YOUR_DEVICE_CODE&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID"