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Virtual devices

mak-gitdev edited this page Jan 29, 2024 · 4 revisions

From version 0.1.24, support for virtual devices has been added so that HA can now act as one or more virtual devices, typically a rocker switch such as F6-02-01.
For example, considering your Base ID is 0xFFDA5580 and you want HA to emulate 2 rocker switches like F6-02-01, you can add in your device file:

address = 0xFFFFFFFF
rorg    = 0xF6
func    = 0x02
type    = 0x01
sender  = 0xFFDA5581
virtual = 1

address = 0xFFFFFFFF
rorg    = 0xF6
func    = 0x02
type    = 0x01
sender  = 0xFFDA5582
virtual = 1

sender is the EnOcean address of the virtual rocker switch. It should be in the range [Base_ID...Base_ID+127].
virtual is used to indicate that this is a virtual device so that it is mapped to control entities (switch, button, select, etc.) instead of status entities (binary_sensor, sensor, etc.).

Visit Finding your EnOcean transceiver Base ID to know how to retrieve your EnOcean transceiver's Base ID.