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Configuring the game

Maks edited this page Feb 6, 2019 · 7 revisions


The file assets/scripts/config.lua is used by both the engine and gameplay scripts. It is a lua script executed before any other. Here's an example:

-- used by the engine
width  = 1920
height = 1200
startScene = 'assets/scripts/arena.lua'

-- custom
bulletSpeed = 30
levelRestartDelay = 2
players = {
        color = {1, 0, 0},
        ai = 'assets/scripts/playerAI_A.lua'
        color = {0, 0, 1},
        ai = 'assets/scripts/playerAI_B.lua'

When launched, the engine will create a 1920x1200 window and start the scene defined by the script assets/scripts/arena.lua. The full list of names used by the engine can be found below.

Custom scripts may access the configuration values through the global table called Config:

print(Config.width)         -- 1920
print(Config.bulletSpeed)   -- 30
print(Config.players[1].ai) -- assets/scripts/playerAI_B.lua

Note that the config script is setting globals, but instead of setting globals, it sets fields in the Config table. That is intentional. The script is ran in a sandboxed environment instead of the global table. It can still read from the global table, but any attempt to set a global will set a field in the Config table instead.

Values used by the engine

Name Type Default value Note
width number 800 window width in pixels
height number 600 window height in pixels
fullscreen bool false make it fullscreen or not
vsync bool true use vertical sync or not
framerateCap number 240 the maximum number of frames per second
windowTitle string "Game" the title of the window
startScene string nil full path to the first scene to load, including the .lua extension
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