Bosnians Who Design is a directory of accomplished Bosnians and Herzegovinians in the IT industry.
git clone
yarn install
yarn dev
Before running
yarn out
yarn serve
you need to remove i18n
property from the next.config.js
file because internationalized routing does not integrate with next export.
const followings = await listTwitterFollowings();
We run GET /2/users/:id/following endpoint to get a list of users the @bosniansdesign is following.
const usernames = splitEvery(
map((item) => item.username, followings)
We split usernames into slices of 100 items each because of the GET /2/users/by
endpoint usernames query parameter limit.
async function getTwitterDesigners(
usernames: string[][],
index: number,
designers = []
): Promise<TwitterDesigner[]> {
if (equals(index, length(usernames))) {
return designers;
return getTwitterDesigners(
concat(await listTwitterDesigners(usernames[index]), designers)
const twitterDesigners = await getTwitterDesigners(usernames, 0, []);
We run GET /2/users/by endpoint to get created_at,location,url,description,verified,profile_image_url,entities
information about users specified by their usernames.
const designers = map((item) => {
const description = split(" ", toLower(item.description));
const positions = flatten(map((item) => item.value, constants.POSITIONS));
const inter = intersection(description, positions);
return {
position: inter,
}, twitterDesigners);
We map twitter users to assign appropriate positions based on twitter description.
const positions = map((position) => {
return {
count: count(
(designer) =>
any((item) => includes(item, position.value), designer.position),
}, constants.POSITIONS);
We map initial positions and run count function for every designer position.