work in progress and target on ver. 23 of the specification (with backward compatibility to 18)
if you see any issues testing the library on real world data, please report it
any reviews and PRs are welcome
This is a long-term research and proof of concept to provide a model and reader for the globally used ARINC 424
aircraft navigation data using metaprogramming.
While the ARINC 424
specification describes entities with 132-byte fixed-length strings, this library creates
a database object model via building entities using reflection and runtime compilation.
Most terms are converted according to the specification into associated enumerations or numeric values on the fly.
In addition, relationships between entities are established after the building stage.
In practice, this allows you to explore and manipulate the tree-like representation of ARINC 424
See docs to know how specification is mapped.
First, you need to create runtime compiled metadata. This describes how strings will be parsed and entities created based on supplement.
var meta = Meta424.Create(Supplement.V20);
So you can try to get navigation data from the strings leaving builds with diagnostics (bad coded fields, missing links, etc) and skipped strings that don't match entity types.
var data = Data424.Create(meta, strings, out var invalid, out var skipped);
- .NET 9 SDK
dotnet build
The project actively uses the Roslyn API to generate converters of specification terms to internal types. Use a suitable IDE to view the generated code.