Track your income and expenses with Finance Dashboard. This web application helps you to manage and monitor your financial transactions, providing a detailed overview of your finances with real-time data.
- Dashboard for tracking your income and expenses
- Integration with Drizzle ORM for database management
- User authentication using Clerk
- Financial data visualization with Recharts
- Support for multiple financial accounts
- Easy-to-use UI with Radix UI components
- Responsive design powered by TailwindCSS
- Next.js for server-side rendering
- React for building the UI
- Drizzle ORM for interacting with the PostgreSQL database
- Clerk for user authentication
- Radix UI for building accessible UI components
- TailwindCSS for styling
- Zod for data validation
- Recharts for displaying financial data in charts
- PostgreSQL for database
git clone
cd finance-dashboard
Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. Then run:
npm install
Create a .env
file in the root directory and add the necessary environment variables. Refer to .env.example
for the required values.
npm run dev
This will start the app at http://localhost:3000.
For production deployment, build and start the app using:
npm run build
npm run start
- dev: Starts the development server (Next.js)
- build: Builds the production app (Next.js)
- start: Starts the production app (Next.js)
- lint: Runs linting checks
- db:generate: Generates database schema with Drizzle ORM
- db:migrate: Runs database migrations with Drizzle ORM
- db:seed: Seeds the database with initial data
- db:studio: Opens Drizzle Studio for managing your database
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, submit pull requests, or report issues via the issues page.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.