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ManiaPlanet Update 2014-10-16

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@Aessi Aessi released this 16 Oct 17:07
· 90 commits to master since this release



  • Added a description for each mode. This description is displayed when pressing esc > help while playing. see


  • New callbacks : LibXmlRpc_BeginServerStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginMatchStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginMapStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginSubmatchStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginRoundStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginTurnStop, LibXmlRpc_EndTurnStop, LibXmlRpc_EndRoundStop, LibXmlRpc_EndSubmatchStop, LibXmlRpc_EndMapStop, LibXmlRpc_EndMatchStop and LibXmlRpc_EndServerStop. They are all sent at the end of their respective sequences. see


  • Support for the new XmlRpc callbacks control system.


  • New callbacks : LibXmlRpc_BeginServerStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginMatchStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginMapStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginSubmatchStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginRoundStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginTurnStop, LibXmlRpc_EndTurnStop, LibXmlRpc_EndRoundStop, LibXmlRpc_EndSubmatchStop, LibXmlRpc_EndMapStop, LibXmlRpc_EndMatchStop and LibXmlRpc_EndServerStop. They are all sent at the end of their respective sequences. see


  • Fixed runtime error. When using matchmaking, if the vote map was activated, some variables concerning the landmarks were initialized before the vote. So if there was a map change because of the vote, the variables were intialized with the landmarks of the previous map. see
  • Support for the new XmlRpc callbacks control system.
  • Legacy callbacks are now disable by default : S_UseLegacyCallback = False. see
  • New callback "Elite_BeginTurn" containing the logins of the players. see
  • New callback "Elite_EndTurn" containing the type of victory. see


  • Penalties are now managed by the matchmaking API. Thanks to that, they are now persistent and global. Persistent : if you rage quit a match and leave maniaplanet, your penalty will be applied the next time you join the lobby, even if it's one week later. Global : being penalized in one lobby means you'll be penalized in all lobbies. eg: leave a match in Elite and you will also be penalized in the Siege lobby.
  • Players are not penalized for canceling a replacement anymore.
  • Matchmaking api version : v7.
  • Removed the following settings : S_LobbyAllowMatchCancel, S_LobbyLimitMatchCancel and S_LobbyBasePenalty.
  • Removed the message warning players about matches canceling and penalties in the lobby.
  • Fix : wait for player synchro before playing a new map. see
  • Fix : send the right player clan in the missing players array to avoid the SetPlayerClan() error in progressive matchmaking. see


  • Support for the new XmlRpc callbacks control system.


  • Overtime : when the round countdown reaches zero, if one of the two team is capturing a pole the game will continue. It will end only when both teams aren't capturing a pole.
  • Display the name of the player who restarted the wave countdown if it was near 0.
  • Display tops (Attack, defense and combo) on the side of the screen when you're not playing.


  • Fixed runtime error. When using matchmaking, if the vote map was activated, some variables concerning the landmarks were initialized before the vote. So if there was a map change because of the vote, the variables were intialized with the landmarks of the previous map. see
  • Support for the new XmlRpc callbacks control system.



  • Fix the RgbToHsv() function. The green color wasn't converted correctly. see


  • Changed the animation of the slider from an EaseInOutBack to an EaseOutQuad easing.


  • Added a text to explain how the vote works. see
  • Removed the "validate" button. Voting for a map is now considered as validating. No need for a button anymore. see


  • Moved all common code between Shootmania and Trackmania in this library.
  • This library allows game modes creators to register or unregister callbacks and their documentation, making them accessible to the callback control system.
  • It's now possible to block unnecessary callbacks to save resources.
  • New method : LibXmlRpc_ListCallbacks. Trigger the LibXmlRpc_Callbacks callback listing all the registered callbacks.
  • New method : LibXmlRpc_GetCallbackHelp. Trigger the LibXmlRpc_CallbackHelp callback giving help about a callback.
  • New method : LibXmlRpc_BlockCallback. Block a specific callback.
  • New method : LibXmlRpc_BlockAllCallbacks. Block all callbacks.
  • New method : LibXmlRpc_UnblockCallback. Unblock a specific callback.
  • New method : LibXmlRpc_UnblockAllCallbacks. Unblock all callbacks.
  • New method : LibXmlRpc_GetBlockedCallbacks. Trigger the LibXmlRpc_BlockedCallbacks callback listing the blocked callbacks.
  • New callbacks : LibXmlRpc_BeginServer and LibXmlRpc_EndServer. They are sent when the script start and stop. Which can happen at server start, stop or map restart.
  • New callbacks : LibXmlRpc_BeginServerStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginMatchStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginMapStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginSubmatchStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginRoundStop, LibXmlRpc_BeginTurnStop, LibXmlRpc_EndTurnStop, LibXmlRpc_EndRoundStop, LibXmlRpc_EndSubmatchStop, LibXmlRpc_EndMapStop, LibXmlRpc_EndMatchStop and LibXmlRpc_EndServerStop. They are all sent at the end of their respective sequences. see


  • New controls on the Trackmania UI via XmlRpc. It's now possible to control (hide/show/move) most of the UI elements of Trackmania with XmlRpc. see & documentation
  • Better alignment of the sand timer. see
  • Support for the new XmlRpc callbacks control system.


  • Use the new XmlRpcCommon library.
  • Support for the new XmlRpc callbacks control system.


  • Support for the new XmlRpc callbacks control system.


  • Support for the new XmlRpc callbacks control system.


  • Use the new XmlRpcCommon library.
  • Support for the new XmlRpc callbacks control system.
  • Addition of the hit distance in the "LibXmlRpc_OnHit" callback. see
  • New callback "Elite_BeginTurn" containing the logins of the players. see
  • New callback "Elite_EndTurn" containing the type of victory. see