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Foundry Archive Binaries

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This repo contains a list of built amd64 binaries that we can use to lock to a specific nightly build without needing to recompile.

How to generate a set of binaries

You must have Docker installed

  1. Pick the nightly build you want from here
  2. Run docker pull<HASH>
  3. Run docker images to identify the IMAGE ID
  4. Run docker run --rm -it --entrypoint <IMAGE ID>
  5. Now, within the docker instance, run cd /usr/local/bin, then tar -czvf /tmp/foundry_nightly_linux_amd64.tar.gz *
  6. Grab the tar.gz out of the docker instance and upload it to this repo. Then create a release

You can now use it by running the following commands to install within a Dockerfile (Replace <HASH> with the hash you made a release with)

ENV FOUNDRY_BIN_TARBALL_URL="${FOUNDRY_RELEASE_URL}foundry_nightly_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
ENV FOUNDRY_MAN_TARBALL_URL="${FOUNDRY_RELEASE_URL}foundry_nightly_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
RUN mkdir -p /root/.foundry/bin
RUN mkdir -p /root/.foundry/share/man/man1
RUN curl -# -L $FOUNDRY_BIN_TARBALL_URL | tar -xzC /root/.foundry/bin
RUN curl -# -L $FOUNDRY_MAN_TARBALL_URL | tar -xzC /root/.foundry/share/man/man1
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/root/.foundry/bin"
RUN echo >> /root/.bashrc && echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:/root/.foundry/bin\"" >> /root/.bashrc