- Scrapes Stripe, Uber & Netflix tech blogs
- Shows all the articles from these blogs at one place
- dev (air):
go mod tidy
make templ-generate
make tailwind-build
make dev
- dev (with docker):
docker compose up --build
└── 📁tech-blog-scrapper
└── Makefile #contains all the scripts to run the app
└── 📁cmd
└── 📁scrapper
└── main.go #app entrypoint
└── 📁internal
└── 📁handlers # api handlers
└── 📁scrapper # scrapper logic
└── 📁utils # utility
└── 📁view # html templates (templ)
└── 📁static
└── 📁css # contains custom & tailwindcss built css
└── 📁script # htmx & custom js scripts
manishmandal.com • GitHub @manishMandal02 • X @manishMandalJ