- Admin Can set time-slots According to need , Multiple Option to Set Time Slots (10 minute, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 Hour, 2 Hours ) For Next 7 Days
- Admin can set Appointment Success or Failed Message.
- Admin can set how much information he/she need from customer , He/She Can Activate/Deactivate fields like Phone, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Note.
- Admin Can set the text for Email to Customer.
- Calendar Colour, Background Clour, Texts Colour can also set by admin.
- Customer Can pick the date and time slot easily and will recieve email about the Time and Date He/She will choose for the appointment.
Colour Settings
- Admin Should filter the times slots to make easily.
- Admin could be also set the days limits for appointment..
- Customer can also select the
- Avialable Dates should also be highlighted