A modern, configuration-driven ecFlow based workflow system for SCHISM (Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydroscience Integrated System Model) model. This implementation emphasizes a centralized YAML configuration approach, making it easy to modify and maintain complex SCHISM workflows.
The workflow is designed to handle the following preprocessing tasks:
- SCHISM namelist generation
- required .gr3 file generation i.e. rough.gr3, elev.ic, diffmin.gr3, diffmax.gr3, watertype.gr3, windrot_geo2proj.gr3
- Surface flux (ERA5) data preparation
- Boundary condition tides generation
- Single Configuration File: All parameters managed through
- Modular Task System: Each task reads its configuration from specific YAML sections
- Flexible Runtime Options: Support for different SCHISM configurations (standalone, WWM+ATM coupling)
- Automated Resource Management: HPC resource allocation controlled via YAML
- Standardized Error Handling: Consistent error management across all tasks
# Basic suite configuration
ecf_home: /work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW
ecf_include: /work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW
schism_run_type: schism # Options: schism, schism+wwm+atm
schism_cluster: hercules
preprocess_dir: '/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW'
# Environment configuration
path: "/apps/spack-managed/gcc-11.3.1/miniconda3-24.3.0-avnaftwsbozuvtsq7jrmpmcvf6c7yzlt/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
env_name: "pyschism_mjisan"
# Namelist configuration
year: 1994 # Simulation start year
month: 10 # Simulation start month
day: 12 # Simulation start day
hour: 17 # Simulation start hour
rnday: 3 # Run duration in days
script_dir: "/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/ush/namelist"
work_dir: "/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/workdir"
# Boundary tides configuration
script_dir: "/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/ush/Bnd"
hgrid_path: "/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/fix/hgrid.ll"
work_dir: "/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/workdir"
rnday: 20 # Duration for boundary conditions
bc_mode: "tidal" # Boundary condition mode
bc_type: 3 # Boundary condition type
constituents: "Q1,O1,P1,K1,N2,M2,S2,K2,Mm,Mf,M4,MN4,MS4,2N2,S1"
database: "tpxo" # Tidal database
cutoff_depth: 40 # Cutoff depth for boundary conditions
earth_tidal_potential: "Y" # Include earth tidal potential
# Surface flux configuration
rnday: 3 # Duration for surface flux
data_file: 'data_stream-oper.nc'
interval: 1 # Time interval for flux data
hgrid_path: '/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/fix/hgrid.gr3'
script_dir: "/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/ush/Sflux"
work_dir: '/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/workdir'
# Roughness configuration
script_dir: "/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/ush/Manning"
work_dir: "/work/noaa/nosofs/mjisan/SCHISM-ecFLOW/workdir"
suite schism_suite
edit ECF_HOME "$(yq -r .suite.ecf_home ${CONFIG_FILE})"
edit SCHISM_RUN_TYPE "$(yq -r .suite.schism_run_type ${CONFIG_FILE})"
edit CONFIG_FILE '/path/to/config.yml'
family preprocess
task gen_manning
edit ECF_SCRIPT 'ecf/gen_manning.ecf'
task gen_sflux_era5
edit ECF_SCRIPT 'ecf/gen_sflux_era5.ecf'
├── config/
│ └── config.yml # Main configuration file
├── ecf/
│ ├── gen_bctides.ecf # Boundary tides generation script
│ ├── gen_manning.ecf # Manning coefficient generation script
│ ├── gen_namelist.ecf # Namelist generation script
│ └── gen_sflux_era5.ecf # Surface flux generation script
├── fix/ # Static input files
├── scripts/
├── ush/ # Utility scripts
└── workdir/ # Working directory for outputs
Each task script (*.ecf
) follows a standard pattern for YAML configuration:
%include <head.h>
# Load configuration
CONDA_PATH=$(yq -r '.environment.conda.path' "${CONFIG_FILE}")
SCRIPT_DIR=$(yq -r '.taskname.script_dir' "${CONFIG_FILE}")
# Error handling function
handle_error() {
ecflow_client --label=error "$2"
exit $1
# Main task execution
source "${CONDA_PATH}" || handle_error $? "Conda initialization failed"
python script.py --param value || handle_error $? "Task failed"
%include <tail.h>
The workflow is configured through config.yml
. Key configuration sections include:
ecf_home: /path/to/ecflow/home
schism_run_type: schism
schism_cluster: hercules
path: "/path/to/conda.sh"
env_name: "pyschism_env"
Each preprocessing task has its own configuration section in config.yml
. For example:
script_dir: "/path/to/scripts"
hgrid_path: "/path/to/hgrid.ll"
rnday: 20
bc_mode: "tidal"
constituents: "Q1,O1,P1,K1,N2,M2,S2,K2"
- Generates Manning coefficients for the model domain
- Creates and processes elevation files
- Output:
elev.ic, diffmin.gr3, diffmax.gr3
- Processes ERA5 atmospheric data
- Generates surface flux files for the simulation period
- Outputs:
- Processes tidal constituents
- Creates boundary conditions for the model
- Output:
- Creates SCHISM parameter namelist
- Handles different run types (schism, schism+wwm+atm)
- Output:
Configure your environment in
Load and start the suite:
ecflow_client --port 3141 --load=/path/to/schism_suite.def
ecflow_client --port 3141 --begin /schism_suite
- Monitor the workflow:
ecflow_client --get_state=/schism_suite
- Add Configuration Section:
# config.yml
script_dir: "/path/to/scripts"
param1: value1
param2: value2
- Create Task Script:
# ecf/new_task.ecf
%include <head.h>
PARAM1=$(yq -r '.new_task.param1' "${CONFIG_FILE}")
# Task implementation
%include <tail.h>
- Add to Suite Definition:
task new_task
edit ECF_SCRIPT 'ecf/new_task.ecf'
Each task includes comprehensive error handling:
- Checks for required input files
- Validates output file creation
- Reports errors through ecFlow's label system
The following diagram illustrates the SCHISM-ecFLOW workflow: