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Lucas Manuel edited this page May 4, 2021 · 10 revisions

MapleGlobals is an administrative contract that acts as a central source for information/parameters needed by various contracts in the protocol. MapleGlobals parameters are governed by the Governor multisig, which will eventually progress to be a token-conrolled DAO contract.

MapleGlobals will also have the capability to stop every function in the protocol with a security multisig. This is to protect against any possible exploits that could occur. Once the protocol is stable and considered to be in a safe state, this functionality will be revoked.

MapleGlobals governs the following parameters:

  • stakerCooldownPeriod - Amount of time after which a Staker can withdraw 100% of their deposited BPTs

  • lpCooldownPeriod - Time after which LPs are allowed to withdraw their funds from a Pool

  • stakerUnstakeWindow - Window of time after stakerCooldownPeriod that an account has to withdraw before their intent to unstake is invalidated

  • lpWithdrawWindow - Window of time after lpCooldownPeriod that an account has to withdraw before their intent to withdraw is invalidated

  • globalAdmin - The Global Admin of the whole network. Has the power to switch off/on the functionality of entire protocol.

  • minLoanEquity - Minimum amount of LoanFDTs required to trigger liquidations (basis points percentage of totalSupply)

  • maxSwapSlippage - Maximum slippage tolerance for Uniswap transactions (used for liquidations and MapleTreasury swaps)

  • defaultUniswapPath - Bilateral/triangular Uniswap path to use for trades (ensures higher liquidity)

  • investorFee - Percentage in basis points of drawdown amount that is sent to PoolDelegates as an establishment fee

  • treasuryFee- Percentage in basis points of drawdown amount that is sent to the MapleTreasury

  • mapleTreasury - Address to send revenue generated by treasuryFee

  • defaultGracePeriod - Time after a due payment after which a Loan can be liquidated by Pools

  • fundingPeriod - Time after a Loan is instantiated during which Pools can fund it

  • swapOutRequired - Minimum Pool coverage (in USD) of liquidityAsset (priced in USD) required to finalize a Pool, allowing LPs to deposit

  • governor - Governor address that has authority to adjust all of these parameters

  • Oracles for each asset (via oracleFor)

MapleGlobals also governs allowlisting for:

  • Balancer Pools
  • Liquidity Assets
  • Collateral Assets
  • Payment Calculators
  • Pool Delegates
  • Pool Factories
  • Loan Factories
  • CollateralLocker Factories
  • FundingLocker Factories
  • DebtLocker Factories
  • LiquidityLocker Factories
  • StakeLocker Factories