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Georg Richter edited this page Jul 17, 2024 · 5 revisions

Data structures

This page describes the public data structures used by MariaDB Connector/C.


The MYSQL structure represents one database connection and is used by most of MariaDB Connector/C's API functions. The MYSQL structure needs to be allocated and initialized by the mysql_init() API function. It will be released by the mysql_close() function.

The MYSQL structure should be considered as opaque; copying or changing values of its members might produce unexpected results, errors or program crashes.


The MYSQL_RES structure represents a result set which contains data and metadata information. It will be returned by the mysql_use_result() or mysql_store_result API functions and needs to be released by mysql_free_result().

The MYSQL_RES structure should be considered as opaque; copying or changing values of its members might produce unexpected results, errors or program crashes.


MYSQL_ROW represents an array of character pointers, pointing to the columns of the actual data row. Data will be received by the mysql_fetch_row() function. The size of the array is the number of columns for the current row, which can be determined by mysql_field_count() API function.

After freeing the result set with mysql_free_result() MYSQL_ROW becomes invalid.


The MYSQL_STMT structure represents a prepared statement handle and is used by MariaDB Connector/C's prepared statement API functions. The MYSQL_STMT structure needs to be allocated and initialized by the mysql_stmt_init function and needs to be released by the mysql_stmt_close() function.

The MYSQL_STMT structure should be considered as opaque; copying or changing values of its members might produce unexpected results, errors or program crashes.


The MYSQL_FIELD structure describes the metadata of a column. It can be obtained by the mysql_fetch_field() function.

It has the following members:

Type Member Description
char * name The name of the column
unsigned int name_length The length of column name
char * org_name The original name of the column
unsigned int org_name_length The length of original column name
char * table The name of the table
unsigned int table_length The length of table name
char * org_table The original name of the table
unsigned int org_table_length The length of original table name
char * db The name of the database (schema)
unsigned int db_length The length of database name
char * catalog The catalog name (always 'def')
unsigned int catalog_length The length of catalog name
char * def default value
unsigned int def_length The length of default value
unsigned int length The length (width) of the column definition
unsigned int max_length The maximum length of the column value
unsigned int flags Flags
unsigned int decimals Number of decimals
enum enum_field_types type Field type


The MYSQL_BIND structure is used to provide parameters for prepared statements or to receive output column value from prepared statements.

Type Member Description
unsigned long * length Pointer for the length of the buffer (not used for parameters)
my_bool * is_null Pointer which indicates if column is NULL (not used for parameters)
my_bool * error Pointer which indicates if an error occurred
void * buffer Data buffer which contains or receives data
char * u.indicator Array of indicator variables for bulk operation parameter
unsigned long buffer_length Length of buffer
enum enum_field_types buffer_type [[library/mariadb-connectorc-types-and-definitions/#enum-enum_field_types
unsigned long length_value Used if length pointer is NULL
my_bool error_value Used if error pointer is NULL
my_bool is_null_value Used if is_null pointer is NULL
my_bool is_unsigned Set if integer type is unsigned


The MYSQL_TIME structure is used for date and time values in prepared statements. It has the following members:

Type Member Description
unsigned int year Year
unsigned int month Month
unsigned int day Day
unsigned int hour Hour
unsigned int minute Minute
unsigned int second Second
unsigned long second_part Fractional seconds (max. 6 digits)
my_bool neg Negative value
enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type Time type


The MARIADB_X509_INFO structure contains information about the peer certificate. This information is only available for TLS/SSL connections.

Type Member Description
int version Peer certificate version
char * issuer Issuer of peer certificate
char * subject Subject of peer certificate
char * fingerprint Fingerprint (SHA256, 384 or 512)
struct tm notBefore Start date of peer certificate
struct tm notAfter Expiration date of peer certificate

MARIADB_X509_INFO was added in MariaDB Connector/C 3.4.1

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