This e-portfolio contains the outcomes from my learning journey throughout my MSc in Computer Science at the University of Essex (UK).
Please view my e-portfolio.
- Unit 1: Computing as a Profession – Responsibilities and Challenges
- Unit 2: Introduction to Computer Architecture and the Functionality
- Unit 3: Emerging Trends in Computer Science
- Unit 4: Computing Infrastructure and Network
- Unit 5: Software as a Tool - Its Functionality and Development Methodologies
- Unit 6: System Software – Operating Systems
- Unit 7: Data Abstraction
- Unit 8: An Introduction to Algorithms and Basic Programming Concepts
- Unit 9: Solving Problems Using Python
- Unit 10: Data Representation using Database Concepts
- Unit 11: Advanced SQL
- SQL queries created to answer specific questions set in an assignment.
- Unit 12: Research Topics in Computer Science – Data Science, AI and Standards
- Unit 1: Introduction to Information Systems
- Own post as a part of a collaborative discussion on information system failures, with focus on an AI-based system for guiding investment decisions
- Unit 2: Information Systems and their Importance
- Own responses to peers during a collaborative discussion on information system failures
- Unit 3: Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design
- Summary post as a part of a collaborative discussion on information system failures
- Supermarket-related UML class diagram
- Lab coding challenges in Python
- Coding exercises on Python functions, classes, and methods
- Unit 4: Object-Oriented Development and Python
- Coding exercises on encapsulation, polymorphism, private (class) attributes and methods
- Unit 5: Understanding UML
- Unit 6: Hands-on with UML
- Unit 7: Database Design
- Assignment on a software system design to help in managing self-service checkouts at a supermarket, including classes, their relationships, and a related UML class diagram
- UML 3NF-compliant ERD on property lettings
- Unit 8: Hands-on with Database Design
- UML 3NF-compliant ERD on a Graph DB-like card fraud detection-related use case
- Own post as a part of a collaborative discussion on alternatives to SQL, with focus on Graph DBs.
- Unit 9: Implementing Database with SQL
- Own responses to peers during a collaborative discussion on alternatives to SQL.
- Unit 10: Working with SQL
- Summary post as a part of a collaborative discussion on alternatives to SQL
- Introduction to SQL-related queries/exercises
- Advanced SQL-related queries/exercises
- Advanced OOP-related Python codes developed during exercises and coding challenges
- Unit 11: Web Development in Python
- Assignment on a Python-based system implementation to help in managing a doctor's surgery's appointment scheduling's and prescriptions' system
- Introduction to Flask-related exercises
- Unit 12: The Future of Information Systems
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