Ansible Playbook to install self-hosted jira core and bitbucket
- Ubuntu Server 20.04
- Ansible 2.9.6
Define the variables on inventory.yml as per your needs
Change variables on inventory.yml
ansible_host: '<hostname>'
username: '<username>'
version: 7.16.1
db_user: bitbucket
db_name: bitbucket
db_password: bitbucket
version: 8.19.1
db_user: jira
db_name: jira
db_password: jira
Ansible connection can be set as local or ssh
ansible_connection: '<connection>'
SSH private key file needs to be defined when using ssh connection
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /path/to/your/ssh-key
Install ansible in your system
sudo apt -y install ansible
ansible version 2.9.6
Change ssh-key permissions
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/<ssh-key>
Configure ssh config file
touch ~/.ssh/config
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
SSH config file sample
Host alias
HostName <ip-address>
User <username>
Port 22
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<ssh-key>
Deploy bitbucket on ubuntu server 20.04
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml bitbucket.yml
Deploy jira on ubuntu server 20.04
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml jira.yml
Add flag
in case user has credentials
Access bitbucket localhost:7990 orhostname:7990
Access jira localhost:8080 orhostname:8080
as database type