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marko-bekhta committed Feb 12, 2025
1 parent a761a6c commit 92f257d
Showing 1 changed file with 276 additions and 0 deletions.
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions ci/orm-build/Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
* Hibernate Search, full-text search for your domain model
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.

@Library('hibernate-jenkins-pipeline-helpers@1.5') _

// NOTE: Remember to update the matrix axes below when adding/removing entries here.
// Also make sure to update the parameters in the parameters {} section of the pipeline.
Map settings() {
case 'jandex3':
return [
onlyRunTestDependingOn: ['hibernate-search-mapper-pojo-base'],
// Need to rebuild this module in order to insert the Jandex 3 dependency in tests
additionalMavenArgs : '-pl :hibernate-search-util-internal-test-common'
case 'orm5.6':
return [
updateProperties : [''],
onlyRunTestDependingOn: ['hibernate-search-mapper-orm', 'hibernate-search-mapper-orm-jakarta']
case 'orm6.2':
return [
updateProperties : [''],
onlyRunTestDependingOn : ['hibernate-search-mapper-orm-orm6'],
// we need to recompile this module since it has incompatible return type and will result in a build error.
// Note: we *must* rebuild the `-orm6` artifact (not the regular one), since that's where the orm6 upgrade is applied:
additionalMavenArgs : '-pl :hibernate-search-util-internal-integrationtest-mapper-orm-orm6',
skipSourceModifiedCheck: true
case 'orm6.3':
return [
updateProperties : [''],
onlyRunTestDependingOn: ['hibernate-search-mapper-orm-orm6'],
// we need to recompile this module since it has incompatible return type and will result in a build error.
// Note: we *must* rebuild the `-orm6` artifact (not the regular one), since that's where the orm6 upgrade is applied:
additionalMavenArgs : '-pl :hibernate-search-util-internal-integrationtest-mapper-orm-orm6'
case 'orm6-in-main-code':
return [
updateProperties: ['']
// In this case we'll rebuild and test everything.
return [:]

// Perform authenticated pulls of container images, to avoid failure due to download throttling on dockerhub.
def pullContainerImages() {
String containerImageRefsString = ((String) sh(script: "./ci/ -U -Pdist -Pdependency-update ${env[qualify('ADDITIONAL_MAVEN_ARGS')]}", returnStdout: true))
String[] containerImageRefs = containerImageRefsString ? containerImageRefsString.split('\\s+') : new String[0]
echo 'Container images to be used in tests: ' + Arrays.toString(containerImageRefs)
if (containerImageRefs.length == 0) {
docker.withRegistry('', '') {
// Cannot use a foreach loop because then Jenkins wants to serialize the iterator,
// and obviously the iterator is not serializable.
for (int i = 0; i < containerImageRefs.length; i++) {
containerImageRef = containerImageRefs[i]

def withMavenWorkspace(Closure body) {
withMaven(jdk: 'OpenJDK 17 Latest', maven: 'Apache Maven 3.8',
mavenLocalRepo: env.WORKSPACE_TMP + '/.m2repository',
options: [artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)]) {

String normalize(String string) {
return string.replaceAll('[^\\w]', '_')

// env is shared between parallel executions,
// so if we want a variable that is local to a given execution branch,
// we have to qualify its name to avoid conflicts...
String qualify(String radical) {
return '_' + normalize(env.DEPENDENCY_UPDATE_NAME) + '_' + radical

pipeline {
agent none
triggers {
// Run at least once per week, in case of snapshot updates.
cron '@weekly'
parameters {
// choice parameter doesn't have a default, but the first value should be treated as a default, if it wasn't specified manually.
// Make sure tp update axis and settings() when adding new choice parameter.
choice(name: 'UPDATE_JOB', choices: ['all', 'jandex3', 'orm5.6', 'orm6.2', 'orm6.3', 'orm6-in-main-code'], description: 'Select which update jobs to run. `All` will include all configured update jobs.')
string(name: 'ORM_REPOSITORY', defaultValue: '', description: 'Git URL to Hibernate ORM repository. If provided, Hibernate ORM will be built locally. Works only in pair with ORM_BRANCH. Provide an http repository URL rather than an ssh one.')
string(name: 'ORM_BRANCH', defaultValue: '', description: 'Hibernate ORM branch to build from. If provided, Hibernate ORM will be built locally. Works only in pair with ORM_REPOSITORY. Either a pull request ID or a branch name should be provided, but not both at the same time. Use branch if you want to build from a fork repository.')
string(name: 'ORM_PULL_REQUEST_ID', defaultValue: '', description: 'Hibernate ORM pull request id to build from. If provided, Hibernate ORM will be built locally. Works only in pair with ORM_REPOSITORY. Either a pull request ID or a branch name should be provided, but not both at the same time.')
options {
buildDiscarder logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '10', numToKeepStr: '3')
disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true)
stages {
// This allows testing the original (unpatched) artifacts,
// while patching tests where necessary.
// Especially important when testing the compatibility
// of published artifacts with different versions of dependencies.
stage('Pre-build original code') {
parallel {
stage('Build Hibernate ORM') {
agent {
label 'Worker&&Containers'
post {
cleanup {
dir('hibernate-orm-local-copy') {
when {
beforeAgent true
expression {
return params.ORM_REPOSITORY?.trim() || params.ORM_BRANCH?.trim() || params.ORM_PULL_REQUEST_ID?.trim()
steps {
script {
if (params.ORM_BRANCH?.trim() && params.ORM_PULL_REQUEST_ID?.trim()) {
error "Both ORM_BRANCH and ORM_PULL_REQUEST_ID are provided. Use only one of these parameters."
if (!params.ORM_REPOSITORY?.trim() || !(params.ORM_BRANCH?.trim() || params.ORM_PULL_REQUEST_ID?.trim())) {
error "Both ORM_REPOSITORY and either ORM_BRANCH or ORM_PULL_REQUEST_ID must be not blank if a local build of Hibernate ORM is required. Repository: [${params.ORM_REPOSITORY}], branch: [${params.ORM_BRANCH}, pull request: [${params.ORM_PULL_REQUEST_ID}]]."
script {
dir('hibernate-orm-local-copy') {
// We may get either an http or an ssh repository URLs.
// Since this job can work correctly only with an http URL we will try to adapt the ssh url if we spot one:
def repositoryUrl = params.ORM_REPOSITORY ==~ /^git@github\.com:.+$/ ? params.ORM_REPOSITORY.replace("", "") : params.ORM_REPOSITORY
if (params.ORM_BRANCH?.trim()) {
sh "git clone ${repositoryUrl} --depth 1 --branch ${params.ORM_BRANCH} --single-branch ."
} else {
sh "git clone ${repositoryUrl} --depth 1 --single-branch ."
sh "git fetch origin pull/${params.ORM_PULL_REQUEST_ID}/head:orm-branch-to-build"
sh "git switch orm-branch-to-build"

sh "./gradlew --no-build-cache --no-daemon publishPublishedArtifactsPublicationToMavenLocal -x test --info -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE_TMP}/.m2repository"
dir(env.WORKSPACE_TMP + '/.m2repository') {
stash name: 'orm-local-build-result', includes: "org/hibernate/orm/**"
stage('Build Hibernate Search') {
agent {
label 'Worker&&Containers'
post {
cleanup {
sh 'ci/'
steps {
// The timeout cannot be in stage options, because that would
// include the time needed to provision a node.
timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') {
withMavenWorkspace {
sh "mvn clean install -U -Pdist -DskipTests"
dir(env.WORKSPACE_TMP + '/.m2repository') {
stash name: 'original-build-result', includes: "org/hibernate/search/**"
stage('Update dependency and test') {
matrix {
axes {
axis {
// NOTE: Remember to update the settings() method above when changing this.
// And also add a new choice parameter in the parameters {} section of the pipeline
values 'jandex3', 'orm5.6', 'orm6.2', 'orm6.3', 'orm6-in-main-code'
stages {
stage('Build') {
agent {
label 'Worker&&Containers'
when {
beforeAgent true
expression {
return params.UPDATE_JOB?.trim() == 'all' || params.UPDATE_JOB?.trim() == env.DEPENDENCY_UPDATE_NAME
stages {
stage('Init') {
steps {
sh 'ci/'
dir(env.WORKSPACE_TMP + '/.m2repository') {
unstash name: 'original-build-result'
dir(env.WORKSPACE_TMP + '/.m2repository') {
try {
unstash name: 'orm-local-build-result'
} catch (e) {
echo 'Hibernate ORM was not built, ignoring unstash of snapshot ORM jars'
withMavenWorkspace {
script {
env[qualify('ADDITIONAL_MAVEN_ARGS')] = settings().additionalMavenArgs ?: ''
if (settings().onlyRunTestDependingOn) {
env[qualify('ADDITIONAL_MAVEN_ARGS')] += ' -pl ' + sh(script: "./ci/ ${settings().onlyRunTestDependingOn.join(' ')}", returnStdout: true).trim()
stage('Update dependency') {
steps {
withMavenWorkspace {
sh "ci/dependency-update/ ${env.DEPENDENCY_UPDATE_NAME} '${settings().updateProperties?.join(",") ?: ''}'"
script {
if (!settings().skipSourceModifiedCheck && 0 != sh(script: "git diff origin/${BRANCH_NAME} | grep -q '.'", returnStatus: true)) {
error "This job does not seem to update any dependency; perhaps it is misconfigured? The source code has not been updated, neither by merging a WIP branch nor by updating version properties."
stage('Test') {
post {
cleanup {
sh 'ci/'
options {
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS')
steps {
withMavenWorkspace {
sh """ \
mvn clean install -U -Pdependency-update -Pdist -Dsurefire.environment=${normalize(env.DEPENDENCY_UPDATE_NAME)} \
--fail-at-end \
${env[qualify('ADDITIONAL_MAVEN_ARGS')]} \
post {
always {
notifyBuildResult maintainers: ''

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