bsiQuiz is a student project. Goal of this project was to develop a survey software especially for Civil servants and employees of public administration.
Works only in Safari or Chrome (Desktop)
After sucessefully answer the security survey finaly the user get a certificate.
All what you need to do is to fill out the object.json. You find this file here: /api/controllers/
"questionId": 1,
"facts": " Just imagine you fly with your x-Wing in a group of Tie-Fighters. "
text_question: { Is that a bad or good idea?},
"text_answer": {
"answer": [
"bad idea",
"good idea"
"answer_reason": {
"reason": [
"You're right! A Jedi acts calmly!",
"Your answer is unfortunately wrong!"
"answerId": {
"id": [
"points": {
"point": 1
You can design your own start page. You find the homepage.ejs here: /views/homepage.ejs
A certificate is a good proof to show other people your great knowledge about the Jedis. That is the reason why the User gets a certificate after succesfully answer all questions. You find the certificate.ejs here: /views/bsiQuiz/certificate.ejs
Maybe you want change the color or the font size. All the information can you find in the layout.ejs file. You found layout.ejs here: /views/layout.ejs