Maven plugin that runs the Java 8 jdeps
For more information check out the generated plugin page and the jdeps documentation.
<!-- optionally any configuration -->
Then you can run it with:
mvn jdeps:jdeps
A sample output will look like this:
com.github.marschall.memoryfilesystem (classes)
-> compact1
-> java.lang compact1
-> java.lang.reflect compact1
-> compact1
-> java.nio compact1
-> java.nio.channels compact1
-> java.nio.file compact1
-> java.nio.file.attribute compact1
-> java.nio.file.spi compact1
-> java.text compact1
-> java.util compact1
-> java.util.concurrent compact1
-> java.util.concurrent.atomic compact1
-> java.util.concurrent.locks compact1
-> java.util.regex compact1
-> javax.annotation Full JRE
Alternatively you can run the plugin as a reporting plugin. target/site/jdeps-report.html
<!-- optionally any configuration -->
Early versions of jdeps may not support all options.
summary Print dependency summary only
verbose Print additional information
verbose-level=<level> Print package-level or class-level dependencies
Valid levels are: "package" and "class"
package=<pkg name> Restrict analysis to classes in this package
(may be given multiple times)
regex=<regex> Restrict analysis to packages matching pattern
(package and regex are exclusive)
filter=<regex> Filter dependences matching the given pattern
filter:package Filter dependences within the same package (default)
filter:archive Filter dependences within the same archive
filter:none No -filter:package and -filter:archive filtering
Filtering specified via the -filter option still applies.
profile Show profile or the file containing a package
recursive Recursively traverse all dependencies
version Version information
jdkinternals Finds class-level dependences in JDK internal
APIs. By default, it analyzes all classes
specified in the -classpath option and in input
files unless you specified the include option.
You cannot use this option with the package,
regex, and summary options.
dotOutputDirectory Destination directory for DOT file output.
Default ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/jdeps
include Restricts analysis to classes matching pattern.
apionly Restricts analysis to APIs.
You need to have a ~/.m2/toolchains.xml that contains a JDK 1.7 link.