EMLogDownloader is a cli tool to download Event Monitoring log files.
- Java 1.8+
- Connected App with api oauth scope must be created on Salesforce.
In order to use this tool, you need to update the config file(EMLogDownLoader.yaml) according to your environment.
DownloadPath: "./download"
LoginHost: "https://login.salesforce.com"
ApiVersion: "59.0"
EventType: ""
# If the following values are not set, It sets it interactively at execution.
ClientId: ""
ClientSecret: ""
UserName: ""
Password: ""
- DownloadPath specifies the directory where the CSV files of event logs will be downloaded.
- EventType specifies the target EventTypes for download, separated by commas (e.g., "Login,Logout"). If EventType is undefined, it includes all EventTypes.
- ClientId and ClientSecret should be set to the values obtained from the created Connected App.
- UserName and Password specify the login information for the user.
java -jar EMLogDownloader-1.0.0.jar -help
usage: EMLogDownloader [-options]
-config <pathname> Specifies config file path. (Default is ./EMLogDownloader.yaml)
-date <targetdate> Specifies download EMLog date. (Format is "yyyy-MM-dd")
-hourlylog Get hourly event log files.
-hour <targethour> Specifies download EMLog hour. (Format is "hh")
To execute EMLogDownloader run the following command. EMLogDownLoader.yaml must be located in the current directory.
java -jar EMLogDownloader-1.0.0.jar
To specify the path of the config file, use the option of -config.
java -jar EMLogDownloader-1.0.0.jar -config confiig/EMLogDownLoader.yaml
To specify the date of download, use the option of -date. If not specified, enter it interactively.
java -jar EMLogDownloader-1.0.0.jar -date 2019-02-01
If you download hourly log, use the option of -hourlylog.
java -jar EMLogDownloader-1.0.0.jar -hourlylog
To specify the date and hour of download in hourly log mode, use the option of -date and -hour. If not specified, enter it interactively.
java -jar EMLogDownloader-1.0.0.jar -hourlylog -date 2019-02-01 -hour 01
$ java -jar EMLogDownloader-1.0.0.jar -config EMLogDownLoader.yaml -date 2023-11-30
[EventMonitoring Log Downloader:Start]
downloadPath: ./download
loginHost: https://login.salesforce.com
userName: (UserName)
apiVersion: 59.0
targetDate: 2023-11-30
eventType: (ALL)
accessToken: (AccessToken)
[Download progress]
(1/7) EventType:ApiTotalUsage Length:665 DownloadFile:EventLog_ApiTotalUsage_2023-11-30.csv
(2/7) EventType:Login Length:835 DownloadFile:EventLog_Login_2023-11-30.csv
(3/7) EventType:Logout Length:506 DownloadFile:EventLog_Logout_2023-11-30.csv
(4/7) EventType:RestApi Length:1078 DownloadFile:EventLog_RestApi_2023-11-30.csv
(5/7) EventType:Sites Length:761 DownloadFile:EventLog_Sites_2023-11-30.csv
(6/7) EventType:PlatformEncryption Length:1310 DownloadFile:EventLog_PlatformEncryption_2023-11-30.csv
(7/7) EventType:URI Length:813 DownloadFile:EventLog_URI_2023-11-30.csv
[EventMonitoring Log Downloader:Finish]
To build and run this application locally, you'll need latest versions of Git, Maven and JDK installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:masaaki-taguchi/EMLogDownloader.git
# Go into the repository
$ cd EMLogDownloader
# Build
$ mvn
# Run the app
$ java -jar target/EMLogDownloader-1.0.0.jar
EMLogDownloader is licensed under the MIT license.