I am Afzal, a PhD Candidate in Computational Science, Engineering and Mathematics at the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. My academic webpage is https://mashadab.github.io/.
🔠I am currently working on the three prominent problems in Earth and Planetary Sciences:
- What is the fate of glaciers due to climate warming? Received NASA - JPL Graduate Fellowship and UT Institute for Geophysics Blue Sky Fellowship.
- What happened to water on Mars 4 billion years ago? Received Lunar and Planetary Institute Career Development Award.
- How can the icy moons of Saturn and Jupiter sustain life below their ice shells? Awarded NASA - JPL Graduate Fellowship and Student Research Award in Planetary Habitability by UT Austin.
🌱 I’m currently learning the mathematics and implementation of deep learning and inverse problems.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on exciting research projects.
💬 Ask me about Fluid mechanics, Applied mathematics, Planetary science and High-order numerical methods.
💬 I support open science, education, and scholarship.
📫 How to reach me: Email at mashadab@princeton.edu
😄 Pronouns: He / him
âš¡ Fun fact: I like to sing-