A simple REST API that parses COVID-19 certificates (provided in textual form)
There are plenty of Green Pass (COVID-19 certificate) validators out there (Github) written in different languages - Golang, Node.js, Python. Some just parse the QR-code, some verify the signature. I thought it might be a good idea to create a REST API which you can feed a QR code (in textual format) and get all the info contained in it.
The server app can be compiled into a small binary (2-5 MB) and run on any server:
- Locally
- Docker, Kubernetes, etc.
- Serverless on AWS
- Raspberry PI, etc.
# Locally
make serverfull
make run
# Docker
make docker-build
docker images | grep covid-decoder
covid-decoder latest 4806d6ec9fef 1 minute ago 5.47MB
make docker-run
aws configure
make deploy
CODE=`cat my-covid-certificate.txt`
# Locally
# Docker
# Scan QR code and decode using zbarimg
CODE=`zbarimg --raw qr.jpeg 2>&1 | head -n 1`
curl -sX POST $URL/parse --data "{\"code\": \"${CODE}\"}" | jq
curl -sX POST $URL/validate --data "{\"code\": \"${CODE}\"}" | jq
"dob": "2001-12-31",
"expires_on": "2023-10-14 00:00:00 CEST",
"issued_on": "2021-10-27 13:20:48 CEST",
"issued_by": "CN=CSCA-UA,O=Gouv,C=UA",
"kid": "53FOjX/4aJs=",
"name": "Iван Доу",
"std_name": "John Doe",
"signed_by": "CN=DSC_UA_023,OU=180035024,O=CNAM,C=UA",
"vaccinations": [{
"target": "840539006",
"vaccine": "1119349007",
"product": "EU/1/20/1528",
"manufacturer": "ORG-100030215",
"doses": 1,
"dose_series": 2,
"date": "2021-10-27",
"country": "UA",
"issuer": "CNAM",
"certificate_id": "URN:UVCI:01:UA:W7V2BE46QSBJ#L"
"tests": [{
"target": "840539006",
"test_type": "LP217198-3",
"test_name": "",
"manufacturer": "1232",
"sample_datetime": "2021-07-12T07:38:33Z",
"test_result": "260415000",
"testing_centre": "Health Institute, Kyiv",
"country": "UA",
"issuer": "CNAM",
"certificate_id": "URN:UVCI:01:UA:W7V2BE46QSBJ#L"
"recoveries": [{
"target": "840539006",
"country": "UA",
"issuer": "CNAM",
"first_positive_test": "2021-05-07",
"valid_from": "2021-10-27 13:20:48 CEST",
"valid_until": "2023-10-14 00:00:00 CEST",
"certificate_id": "URN:UVCI:01:UA:W7V2BE46QSBJ#L"
Fields description (see complete schema here and here):
dob: Date of birth
name: Certificate owner's full name
std_name: Certificate owner's full name, transliterated in complience with ICAO 9303
kid: Public key identifier
target: Disease or agent targeted
vaccine: Vaccine/prophylaxis
product: Vaccine medical product
manufacturer: Vaccine marketing authorization holder or manufacturer
doses: Number in a series of vaccinations/doses
dose_series: Total number of vaccination per series
date: Date of vaccination, indicating the date of the latest dose recieved
country: Member State or third country in which the vaccine was administered
issuer: Certificate issuer
certificate_id: Unique certificate identifier