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Tutorial Alps iOS SDK

Welcome ! In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to start using our Advanced Location Publish Subscribe(ALPS) SDK in the iOS environnement.

What we will go through

  1. Install ALPS and ALPS SDK in the Xcode project via CocoaPods

  2. Use the ALPS SDK

  • Create a user
  • Create a mobile device
  • Create a publication
  • Create a subscription
  • Get the matches

Install ALPS and ALPS SDK in the Xcode project via CocoaPods

We assume that you already have CocoaPods installed on your laptop. If not, please refer to this link and install it.

  • Use cd command in the terminal to open the Xcode project repository in which you want to use ALPS SDK.

    cd /Users/userAccount/Desktop/Tutorial

Note : In this tutorial, the project is in the Desktop and the folder name is “Tutorial”. In the terminal, you should be located in the repository of your project.

  • You can now enter this command that will initiate a pod.

    pod init

Check that it was correctly initiated by opening your repository.

  • Open the recently created Podfile with a text editor.

Copy-paste the following lines into your podfile under # Pods for your_project_name and save the file.

pod 'Alps', :git => '', :tag => ‘0.4.0'
pod 'AlpsSDK', :git => '', :tag => ‘0.4.2'

See image below for an example.

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  • Go back to your terminal and make sure you are in your project repository.

  • Then, enter the following command to install ALPS SDK and ALPS in your project :

    pod install
  • Open the workspace.

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  • Check that the pods are correctly installed.

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We are ready to use ALPS SDK.

Use the ALPS SDK

Setting up the SDK

Before setting up Alps SDK, we need to add Privacy - Location Always Usage Description in info.plist file to allow the use of Core Location kit in the project. Add a description "Need location usage for Alps SDK". See image below. alt text

All the functions you need are grouped in the AlpsManager class.

It would be good to have a look at our SDK, the protocol AlpsSDK regroups all the functions that are implemented in the AlpsManager class.

Initiate an AlpsManager

We advice you to initiate the AlpsManager in your appDelegate, which will allow you to refer it in all your application.

Keep in mind, that you should have only one AlpsManager for the whole project.

Go in the file AppDelegate, add import AlpsSDK.

Then initiate a variable with name alps of class AlpsManager. You also need your api-key for your AlpsManager. To get the api-key, please follow the “step-by-step” instructions.

Once you have the api-key, declare a constant with name APIKEY and value of your api-key.

ALPS SDK is built upon the CoreLocation package, if you want to have a reference to your CLLocationManager, you will need to initiate it by yourself. The following instruction will explain you how to have your own reference to the CLLocationManager, you can skip it if you don’t want to use Core Location package. When skipping this step, AlpsManager will initiate his own CLLocationManager.

Import CoreLocation in your AppDelegate. Then initiate a variable with name locationManager of class CLLocationManager. In the function didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, write the following code :

locationManager = CLLocationManager.init()
alps = AlpsManager.init(apiKey: APIKEY, clLocationManager: locationManager)

You can now refer to the alps variable in your AppDelegate to use our ALPS SDK.

Find below what your AppDelegate should look like after the settings.

Create a user

First, go to your file ViewController.

Add this line in class ViewController, to get a reference to the application's delegate :

  let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate

Inside of function ViewDidLoad()

  • Use the constant appDelegate to get a reference to AlpsManager.
  • Call the function createUser(username: String, completion : (User?) -> Void). Fill the required parameters and you can use the completion to get the returned User object created in our cloud service.
  • Use the completion to get the user and print his id.

Hint : Each object in our model has his own Universal Unique Identifier(UUID).

override func viewDidLoad() {
        appDelegate.alps.createUser("Alice", completion: {(_ user) in
                   if let u = user {

// ...

When you create a user, our SDK automatically store it in an array but only the very first user created is designated to be the AlpsUser.

Create a mobile device

Inside the completion of createUser() function, write the following lines.

We want to make sure the user is created before we call the device creation.

  • Use the constant appDelegate to get the AlpsManager.
  • Call the function createMobileDevice(name: String, platform: String, deviceToken: String, latitude: Double, longitude: Double, altitude: Double, horizontalAccuracy: Double, verticalAccuracy: Double, completion: (MobileDevice?) -> Void). You can just fill the parameters that asks for Double with a 0.0, we will show you how to update position later.
  • Use the completion to get the mobile device and print his id.

As it is for the AlpsUser, same goes for AlpsDevice. The first mobile device that you create will be designated to be the AlpsDevice.

override func viewDidLoad() {
        appDelegate.alps.createUser("Alice", completion: {(_ user) in
                   if let u = user {

        // ...
                  // inside of createUser() completion
                  self.appDelegate.alps.createMobileDevice(name: "Alice's mobile device", platform: "iOS 9.0", deviceToken: "738a5b9c-61c3-4cf7-937d-20fe9b1ae69c", latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0, altitude: 0.0, horizontalAccuracy: 0.0, verticalAccuracy: 0.0, completion: {
                                      (_ mobileDevice) in
                                      if let md = mobileDevice{
        // ...

Create a publication

In our SDK, there is two createPublication() function available. One uses the AlpsUser and AlpsDevice as the target to create the publication. The other one, you have the option to set for which user and which device you would like to create this publication by providing UUID.

Inside the completion of createMobileDevice() function, write the following lines.

  • Use the constant appDelegate to get the AlpsManager.
  • Call the function createPublication(topic : String, range: Double, duration: Double, properties: [String:String], completion: (_ publication?) -> Void).

We are based on the publish/subscribe model, you need to match the topic of publisher and subscriber. We have also added finer filters by using properties and selector.

Use these parameters for the rest of the tutorial

let properties = ["mood": "happy"]
let topic = "tutorial"
let range = 1000.0
let duration = 300.0
  • Use the completion to get the publication and print his id.
// ...
// these lines are inside of createMobileDevice() completion
// Create a publication
                        let properties = ["mood": "happy"]
                        let topic = "tutorial"
                        let range = 1000.0
                        let duration = 300.0
                        self.appDelegate.alps.createPublication(topic: topic, range: range, duration: duration, properties: properties, completion: {
                                                    (_ publication) in
                                                    if let p = publication {
// ...

Create a subscription

As for the publication, you can create subscription for your main device or for other devices by providing UUID.

Inside the completion of createMobileDevice() function, write the following lines.

  • Use the constant appDelegate to get the AlpsManager.
  • Call the function createSubscription(topic: String, selector: String, range: Double, duration: Double, completion: (_ subscription?) -> Void). Fill the function with the same parameters as for publication.

We will use selector to add one more filter.

let selector = "mood = 'happy'"
  • Use the completion to get the subscription and print his id.
// ...
// these lines are inside of createMobileDevice() completion
// Create a subscription
                        let selector = "mood = 'happy'"
                        self.appDelegate.alps.createSubscription(topic: topic, selector: selector, range: range, duration: duration, completion: {
                            (_ subscription) in
                            if let s = subscription {
// ...

Get the matches

Inside the completion of createMobileDevice() function, write the following lines.

  • Use the constant appDelegate to get the AlpsManager.
  • Call the function startUpdatingLocation(), to update location to our cloud service.
  • Call the function startMonitoringMatches(), to start matches monitoring.
  • Use the function onMatch() and the completion to get the match and print his id.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// ...
// These lines are inside of the completion of createMobileDevice() function
// Start updating location of mobile device
// Get the matches
                        // onMatch function is called every time a match occurs.
                        self.appDelegate.alps.onMatch(completion: {
                            (_ match) in
                            print("-------------- ON MATCH ----------------")
// ...

At the end of this section, ViewController should be looking like this :

import UIKit
import AlpsSDK

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

        // Create a User
        appDelegate.alps.createUser("Alice", completion: {(_ user) in
            if let u = user {
                // Create a MobileDevice
                self.appDelegate.alps.createMobileDevice(name: "Alice's mobile device", platform: "iOS 9.0", deviceToken: "personnalUUID", latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0, altitude: 0.0, horizontalAccuracy: 0.0, verticalAccuracy: 0.0, completion: {
                    (_ mobileDevice) in
                    if let md = mobileDevice{
                        // Create a publication
                        let properties = ["mood": "happy"]
                        let topic = "tutorial"
                        let range = 1000.0
                        let duration = 300.0

                        self.appDelegate.alps.createPublication(topic: topic, range: range, duration: duration, properties: properties, completion: {
                            (_ publication) in
                            if let p = publication {

                        // Create a subscription
                        let selector = "mood = 'happy'"
                        self.appDelegate.alps.createSubscription(topic: topic, selector: selector, range: range, duration: duration, completion: {
                            (_ subscription) in
                            if let s = subscription {

                        // Get the matches
                        // onMatch function is called everytime a match occurs.
                        self.appDelegate.alps.onMatch(completion: {
                            (_ match) in
                            print("-------------- ON MATCH ----------------")

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

Run Tutorial

Run Tutorial and see how our Alps SDK Works.

You should be able to see in the log, the printed iDs and that a match was found on our core service.

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Thank you for following this tutorial.

Don't hesitate to contact us for further informations.


See the or consult our website for further information


