Pupmapper: A Pileup Mappability Calculator
The Pileup Mappability metric can be used to quickly identify regions which may be more difficult to perform variant calling with short-read WGS data. pupmapper
was created to allow users to quickly convert k-mer mappability scores to pileup mappability.
The first step of the pupmapper
pipeline is to calculate k-mer uniquness scores using the Genmap software. Then pupmapper will summarize the pileup mappability of each genomic position using the k-mer uniqueness of all overlapping k-mers.
A pileup mappability score of 1 indicates that all k-mers overlapping with a position are unique within the genome (using the user defined parameters of uniqueness).
Simply put, Pileup mappability is useful because it gives a sense of uniquemess of all possible reads (of defined length) that could arise from given genomic position.
Derrien, T, (2012). Fast Computation and Applications of Genome Mappability. PLOS ONE 7(1): e30377. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0030377
Pockrandt C, (2020) GenMap: ultra-fast computation of genome mappability, Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 12, June 2020, Pages 3687–3692, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa222
Lee H, Schatz MC. (2012). Genomic dark matter: the reliability of short read mapping illustrated by the genome mappability score, Bioinformatics, Volume 28, Issue 16, August 2012, Pages 2097–2105, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bts330
You will need to install both the pupmapper
python package and ensure that the genmap software is installed (available on your $PATH environmental variable.)
can be installed by cloning this repository and installing with pip
git clone git@github.com:maxgmarin/pupmapper.git
cd pupmapper
pip install .
pip install pupmapper
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pupmapper run_all -i Input.Genome.fasta -o output_directory/ -k 50 -e 1
The above command will first use genmap to calculate k-mer mappability scores for the input genome and then calculate pileup mappability scores.
-i, --in_genome_fa
: Input genome FASTA file.
-o, --outdir
: Directory for output files.
-k, --kmer_len
: K-mer length (e.g., 50 bp).
-e, --errors
: Number of allowed mismatches in k-mer mapping.
-g, --gff
: (Optional) Input genome annotations in GFF format.
: (Optional) Save results as compressed numpy arrays.
If you wish to run an pupmapper
on a small test sequence (15 bp), you can run the following commands:
cd tests/data/Genmap_Ex1/
pupmapper run_all -i Ex1.genome.fasta -o Ex1_OutputDir -k 4 -e 0
This command will analyze the pileup mappability of the test sequence with a k-mer size of 4 bp and a max mismatch of 0 (K=4,E=0).
pupmapper run_all --help
usage: pupmapper run_all [-h] -i IN_GENOME_FA -o OUTDIR -k KMER_LEN -e ERRORS [-g GFF] [--save-numpy]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IN_GENOME_FA, --in_genome_fa IN_GENOME_FA
Input genome fasta file (.fasta)
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Directory for all outputs of k-mer and pileup mappability processing.
-k KMER_LEN, --kmer_len KMER_LEN
k-mer length (bp) used to generate the k-mer mappability values
-e ERRORS, --errors ERRORS
Number of errors (mismatches) allowed in Genmap's k-mer mappability calculation
-g GFF, --gff GFF GFF formatted genome annotations for input genome (.gff) (Optional)
--save-numpy If enabled, all pileup mappability scores will be output as compressed numpy arrays (.npz).