This project aims to create a virtual and intelligent DJ to help customers create their own mix so they can enjoy any music without interruption.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
See deployment for notes on how to build and deploy the project on a live system.
This project was developed in C# and .NET under Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. No plugins are required.
Get Visual Studio here.
Clone the repository on your computer.
git clone
Open solution in Visual Studio.
File > Open > Project/Solution > "[...]/Automix Software.sln"
Run solution in Debug mode and under Any CPU architecture.
Open a command prompt for Visual Studio and navigate to the Automix Software folder in the repository.
msbuild /m /nologo /p:Configuration=Release;Platform="Any CPU" "Automix Software.sln"
The .exe file will be built in the Release directory.
- Visual Studio - The IDE used.
Please read for details on our coding style, and the process for submitting merge requests to us.
- Maxime STEVENOT - Lead Developer -
- Guillaume HANNES - Lead DevOps -
- Jordan ERNULT - Main Developer -
- Louis CARLIER - Main Developer -
- Pierre GABON - Main Developer -
- Niels HECQUARD - Developer -
- Raphael HERBERT - Developer -
- Cedric MASSON - Developer -
- Richard NICOLAS - Developer -
- Anaelle TROADEC - Developer -
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2021 LesProjecteurs
LesProjecteurs is a partnership between Maxime STEVENOT, Guillaume HANNES, Jordan ERNULT, Louis CARLIER & Pierre GABON.
This project is licensed under MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.