This project Live Site
User Email:
User Password: SuperAdmin@23
This Painting Booking and Management Service web site by using next.js. There are different type of user with different functionality and feature.
User can choose a service for cart and booked it. they can also see their booking list and review. They can also give a review. In case, they can cancel their booking or delete their booking. Filter option is also available for user to search their service. User can purchase a service by using sslcommerz payment gateway.
Admin can add a service and delete a service. They can also make a new admin. They can also see all the booking list and update the status of the booking. Take action about user activity. They can post a blog and delete a blog.
Super Admin can see all the admin list and delete an admin. They can also see all the user list and delete a user. They can also see all the booking list and delete a booking. They can also see all the blog list and delete a blog. They have full access to the site.
- Next.js
- Typescript
- SSLCommerz
- Redux Toolkit
- Tailwind CSS
- Ant Design
- React Hook Form
- Zod
- React Hook Form Zod Resolver