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ProRecipes | Jenkins JavaDocs

An advanced, yet easy to use, system to create items, create recipes and manage recipes. Create infinite possibilities for your server, release your creativity.

About Project

I have never had time to officially clean this up. That's why I decided to release it open source, for free. I don't have nearly as much time as I used to.

Please submit code changes + optimizations that you feel are urgent and report any issues.

Thank you to everyone who purchased ProRecipes and left kind comments in regards to it.

I've left the anti-piracy code commented out.

You can view coding activity here.


Getting started​

Access the API object like this.

RecipeAPI api = ProRecipes.getAPI();

You can then create, delete, and gain info about recipes using all the methods contained in the API class. The javadocs can be very useful if you have any questions.

Here's an example of creating a shaped recipe then retrieving info about it then deleting it only using methods within the API class.

First, I will create an array of all the ingredients I want (length 9 max). This will be converted into 3 rows of 3 or into a smaller structure later within the plugin (such as 2x2) to allow for mobility within a crafting table.

ItemStack apple = new ItemStack(Material.APPLE);  //create ItemStack

ItemMeta appleMeta = apple.getItemMeta();  //Get ItemMeta and set properties
appleMeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.GREEN + "I am an apple");  
ItemStack arrow = new ItemStack(Material.ARROW);  //Repeat for another item
ItemMeta arrowMeta = arrow.getItemMeta();  
arrowMeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.RED + "Sharp pointy stick");  

//Define an array of ingredients
ItemStack[] arr = api.toArray(apple, arrow, apple,  
arrow, apple, arrow);

Next, create a result.

ItemStack result = new ItemStack(Material.GOLD_BLOCK);

Lastly, we create the recipe. All the methods that create recipes return an integer. This integer is the recipe ID. If the method returns less than 0, the recipe was not able to be created.

Documentation on what each value less than 0 mean can be seen in the javadocs.

   int recipeId = api.createShapedRecipe(arr, result);

Using the recipe ID, retrieve the recipe.

RecipeContainer container = api.getRecipe(RecipeType.SHAPED, recipeId);

The RecipeContainer object has the following methods.


Recipes can also be deleted by recipeID.

api.removeRecipe(RecipeType.SHAPED, recipeId);

There are also cancellable bukkit events dedicated as part of the API.

  • WorkbenchCraftEvent: Called when a shapeless recipe or shaped recipe is crafted
  • FurnaceCraftEvent: Called when something is smelted in the furnace in a furnace recipe
  • MulticraftEvent: Called when something is crafted in the multicraft table

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