- Los Angeles, CA
- https://twitter.com/icer5k
hoop Public
Forked from hoophq/hoopHoop.dev is an open-source access gateway that provides secure, seamless, and audited access to databases and infrastructure without exposing credentials or sensitive data.
Go MIT License UpdatedFeb 22, 2025 -
dr-cla Public
Forked from salesforce/dr-claContributor License Agreement Bot for Validating GitHub Pull Requests
Scala BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 3, 2024 -
terraform-aws-cloudfront-s3-cdn Public
Forked from cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudfront-s3-cdnTerraform module to easily provision CloudFront CDN backed by an S3 origin
HCL Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 10, 2024 -
chainstorage Public
Forked from coinbase/chainstorageThe File System For a Multi-Blockchain World
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 15, 2023 -
terraform-aws-s3-bucket Public archive
Forked from cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucketTerraform module that creates an S3 bucket with an optional IAM user for external CI/CD systems
HCL Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 5, 2023 -
BgAssist Public
Forked from blazcode/BgAssistSmall footprint executable triggering desktop background refreshes, helping to improve user experience and accessibility in VDI environments.
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 7, 2022 -
xibo-dotnetclient Public
Forked from xibosignage/xibo-dotnetclientXibo for Windows .NET Player
C# GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 25, 2021 -
Whole-Foods-Delivery-Slot Public
Forked from pcomputo/Whole-Foods-Delivery-SlotAutomated script for Whole Foods and Amazon Fresh delivery slot
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 24, 2020 -
dremio-snowflake Public
Forked from narendrans/dremio-snowflakeSnowflake Connector for Dremio using the ARP SDK.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 25, 2020 -
awesome-charting Public
Forked from zingchart/awesome-chartingA curated list of chart and dataviz resources that developers may find useful.
zencoder-php Public
Forked from zencoder/zencoder-phpZencoder integration library for PHP.
PHP MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2019 -
twitter-python-ads-sdk Public
Forked from xdevplatform/twitter-python-ads-sdkA Twitter supported and maintained Ads API SDK for Python.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 23, 2018 -
flask-rest-jsonapi Public
Forked from miLibris/flask-rest-jsonapiFlask extension to build REST APIs around JSONAPI 1.0 specification.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 30, 2018 -
imdbpy Public
Forked from cinemagoer/cinemagoerIMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 4, 2017 -
django-roa Public
Forked from bjarnoldus/django-roaFork of original Django ROA lib to support Python 3
PokemonGo-DesktopMap Public archive
Electron App around PokemonGo-Map
RushHour Public
Forked from PropaneDragon/RushHourCitizens act like real people when deciding what to do based on the time of day. No more school at 3 am!
C# UpdatedDec 15, 2016 -
claudia Public
Forked from claudiajs/claudiaDeploy Node.js microservices to AWS easily
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 26, 2016 -
oculus_mobile_compiler Public
Docker image for compiling Oculus VR on Android
MIT License UpdatedMay 2, 2016 -
heroku-buildpack-nodejs Public
Forked from heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejsThe official Heroku buildpack for Node.js apps.
Shell UpdatedAug 15, 2015 -
geocoder Public
Forked from alexreisner/geocoderComplete Ruby geocoding solution.
doorkeeper Public
Forked from doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeperDoorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails and Grape
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 22, 2015 -
zenflow Public
Forked from zencoder/zenflowDevelopment workflow helper
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 9, 2015 -
myppy Public
Forked from cloudmatrix/myppymake you a portable python
bootstrap-vz Public
Forked from andsens/bootstrap-vzBootstrap Debian images for virtualized environments
Python UpdatedMar 24, 2014 -
DropNet Public
Forked from DropNet/DropNetClient Library for the Dropbox API
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 14, 2013 -
carrierwave_direct Public
Forked from dwilkie/carrierwave_directProcess your uploads in the background by uploading directly to S3
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 8, 2013