- Parity: None, Even, Odd, Mark, Space
- Byte Size: up to 16 bits
- Stop Bits: One, Two
- Flow Control: None, RTS/CTS
- Static and Dynamic Configuration
Baudrate ~ aclk / prescaler_value
Example: if aclk is 100MHz, and desired baudrate is 115200, then the prescaler value must be approximately equal ~868.
Use s_axis_config_* interface to dynamically configurate UART. Bits:
- [15:0] - prescaler
- [18:16] - parity (0 - none, 1 - even, 2 - odd, 3 - mark, 4 - space)
- [22:19] - byte_size (from 1 to 16)
- [23] - stop_bits (0 - one stop, 1 - two stops)
Component created in Vivado v2018.3.