This repository contains Python scripts for decomposing and reconstructing InSAR time-series data using Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA).
: A Python class for SSA, modified from this Kaggle notebook. -
: Reads the InSAR time-series from Mintpy and provides the reconstructed time-series for a partcular location. -
: Reads the InSAR time-series from Mintpy and provides the reconstructed time-series in HDF5 (.h5
) format.
- Decomposition and Reconstruction: Utilizes SSA to decompose InSAR time-series data into components and reconstructs the time-series.
- Integration with Mintpy: Designed to work with time-series data produced by Mintpy.
- Output: The reconstructed time-series is saved in HDF5 format for efficient storage and access.
- Python3, numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib
- Mintpy
The main executable for this library is
. <timeseries file> -w <Window Length> -o <Output file name>
<timeseries file>
: The input file containing the time series data.-w <Window Length>
: The Window Lenght to be used for SSA.-o <Output file name>
: The name of the file where the output will be saved.
An example run-string would be: timeseries.h5 -w 7 -o timeseries_ssa.h5
Jasir, M. C. M., Sreejith, K. M., Agrawal, R., and Begum, S. K. (2024). Application of Singular Spectrum Analysis to InSAR time-series for constraining the postseismic deformation due to moderate magnitude earthquakes: The case of 2019 Mw 6 Mirpur earthquake, NW Himalaya. Geophysical Journal International.
Sreejith, K. M., Jasir, M. C. M., Sunil, P. S., Rose, M. S., Saji, A. P., Agrawal, R., et al. (2024). Geodetic evidence for cascading landslide motion triggered by extreme rain events at Joshimath, NW Himalaya. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL106427.